Are you aware of the major hazards of vegetable and fruit pesticides?

Are you aware of the major hazards of vegetable and fruit pesticides?

Summer is a period of the harvest of various fruits and vegetables. When you enjoy delicious fruits and vegetables, have you ever thought that they might become an accomplice to your health? Excessive pesticide residues have become invisible killers on the table. Pesticides, especially organophosphorus pesticides, carbamate pesticides, pyrethroid pesticides, etc., all have certain adhesion and permeability and are easy to remain on fruits and vegetables. After eating, toxins are easily accumulated in the body, resulting in health. Various hazards.

Studies have shown that fruits and vegetables can easily cause the following hazards:
01, easy to be obese
When the liver is unable to break down toxic substances, it will be wrapped with fat to form cellulite, which will slow down the metabolism, increase the fat content, and cause obesity.
02, leading to decreased body immunity
Long-term consumption of fruits and vegetables with residual pesticides, pesticides will be distributed to the synapses and neuromuscular junctions after being absorbed by the blood, directly damage the neurons, causing the central nervous system to die, resulting in decreased immunity of various organs of the body.
03, leading to fetal visceral hypoplasia or malformation
The toxic substances in the residual pesticides are absorbed by the fetus through the placenta in the pregnant woman, resulting in the development of some internal organs of the fetus or malformation. Therefore, in the process of pregnancy, including postpartum breastfeeding, women, in particular, should pay attention to the safety and health of the diet.
04, increase the burden on the liver
Residual pesticides enter the body, relying mainly on the liver to produce enzymes to absorb these toxins for oxidative decomposition. If you eat fruits and vegetables with residual pesticides for a long time, you need the liver to work constantly to break down these toxins. Long-term overload work can cause liver damage such as cirrhosis and hydronephrosis.
05, leading to gastrointestinal diseases
Due to the large pleural folds in the digestive system of the gastrointestinal tract, it is easy to accumulate poisons, and pesticides remaining on fruits and vegetables are easily accumulated here, causing symptoms such as chronic diarrhea and nausea.
06, may cause cancer
A variety of chemicals contained in pesticides can easily induce mutations in organisms, thereby increasing the possibility of cell mutations, causing cells to become deformed and inducing cancer.
Fruit and vegetable pesticides have so many hazards
What methods can we use to avoid it?
First, the correct purchase of fruits and vegetables
1. It is best to buy vegetables and fruits in the formal market. The large-scale wholesale market has established a market access system for fruits and vegetables. The pesticide residue of vegetables and fruits to be sold in the market is tested by rapid detection of pesticide residues, and it is basically determined whether the pesticide residues of vegetables and fruits exceed the standard.
2. Try to buy vegetables and fruits with a small chance of pesticide residues. For example, bulbous vegetables such as onions, onions, and garlic with special odor, solanaceous vegetables such as green peppers and tomatoes, and potatoes, sweet potatoes, melons, radishes, etc., which are edible only when peeled.
3. Try to buy fruits and vegetables with a small surface area that can be eaten. Compared with leafy vegetables, edible vegetables with the small surface areas such as cucumber, tomato, and other fruits have much smaller original pesticides and less relative damage.
4. Try to buy the fruits and vegetables that are abundant today. Especially in the winter, try to buy greenhouse vegetables as much as possible, because the pesticides applied in greenhouses are less likely to be decomposed, so the chance of residue is greater.
5. Try to purchase vegetables and fruits that are continuously harvested as little as possible. Such as kidney beans, leeks, cucumbers, kale and so on. These vegetables can be harvested many times in a long time and continuously, and pesticides must be sprayed for a long time and continuously, which is more likely to be contaminated than other vegetables.
6. Try to enrich the variety of vegetables and fruits. Since the pesticides applied in the same vegetable and fruit are basically the same, if there are many types of vegetables and fruits, it is objectively possible to avoid the health hazard caused by the long-term accumulation of a few pesticides in the body.

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