It is wise to make indoor air as healthy as possible.

It is wise to make indoor air as healthy as possible.

Do you know that the air in your home or office is often worse than that outside? Since most of us spend most of our time indoors, it is wise to ensure that our indoor air is as healthy as possible. The list of indoor air toxins is surprising. But there are some ways to purify indoor air and prevent toxins in it.

Indoor toxicity

The duct filters used for forced central air heating and air conditioning should be replaced frequently with the best and most expensive filters. There are various mites and dust particles on the carpet that can fly into the air. You may consider carpeting with hardwood or tile floors. At least vacuum cleaning and cleaning with steam or non-toxic detergent are often used. Of course, your home should be a no-smoking area.

Commercial chemical cleaning materials, including laundry detergents and pesticides, should be removed or stored outside living areas. Anything that needs to emit toxic smoke should be confined to a separate enclosed garage or shack. Non-toxic cleaning materials can be purchased from health food stores. Or you can simply use cheap white vinegar and baking soda to do most of the cleaning.

But the most difficult poisons to remove come from furniture and building materials. In the past few decades, particleboard has been widely used in household buildings and furniture. The particles are compressed and bonded together. Over time, glue vapor is released. Many types of furniture are the same. There are other architectural problems.

The extreme health hazards of dies will be introduced in another article. Even after trying to eliminate obvious air health hazards, it may not be enough. That’s why you should clean up the air.

Natural Solutions

Unless you live in remote, primitive areas, your indoor air should be cleaner than outdoor air. We all know that plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. In addition, some plants have proved to be very effective in removing more than 85% of indoor toxins in a few days.

Plants tested by NASA do not remove tobacco smoke. But they do remove toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene from airtight indoor spaces. It is recommended that 15 or more medium basins be allocated to 1,500 to 2,000 feet of living area. Add or subtract the number of plants according to your living area.

Plants tested by NASA are listed in the following sources (1) and (2). These factories adopt a two-edged solution: carbon dioxide reduction, oxygen increase, less pollution than outdoor.

Manual Solutions

There are two types of artificial household or office air purifiers, passive and active. Passive devices rely on bringing air into the machine. The combination of activated carbon filtration and ultraviolet and/or electrostatic traps will capture toxins in the air.

The active device injects energy into the surrounding indoor air. These may be molecules that bind to toxins, making them too heavy to keep airborne. Active devices may also include ozone. Ozone is produced naturally by lightning. However, EPA believes that excessive ozone is harmful to the lungs.

EPA restrictions on human breathing are conservative. But most ozone air purifiers do not exceed this limit. Whether you choose an active or passive indoor air purifier, make sure it contains a combination of air filtration and toxin removal systems. A systematic approach to equipment is not enough.

Your health is immediately affected by lung breathing. Indoor is the place where you need to improve air quality most. This is something you can control.

For your health, we sincerely recommend our Olansi air purifier, which can improve your indoor air quality. Olansi air purifier includes OEM air purifier, China air purifier, household air purifier, Hepa air purifier, etc.

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