air purifier,home air purifier,health home air purifier

What kind of people need an air purifier?

What kind of people need an air purifier?

air purifier,home air purifier,health home air purifier

The global economy continues to grow at a high rate and environmental pollution is becoming increasingly serious. According to statistics, indoor environmental pollution has caused 35.7% of respiratory diseases, 22% of chronic lung diseases and 15% of bronchitis, bronchitis and lung cancer. Air pollution causes millions of people worldwide to die prematurely each year. In 2002, the World Health Organization clearly listed indoor air pollution as the top ten threat to human health. For some special people, air pollution will have a greater impact on them. So who is the most harmful to indoor air pollution?


Because the child is developing, the immune system is relatively fragile and vulnerable to air pollution, resulting in decreased immunity, induced respiratory and blood diseases, resulting in slow body development and greatly reduced children’s intelligence. Long-term living in air pollution can increase the risk of abnormal lung function in children by 30%-70%.

According to expert statistics, the prevalence of asthma in children in China is 2-5%, and the prevalence of children aged 1-5 is as high as 85%. Therefore, the harm of indoor air pollution to children should not be underestimated.

Pregnant woman

As a special group, pregnant mothers should not only pay attention to their own bodies, but also pay attention to the small life in the stomach. The fetus is very sensitive to air quality during development. If the pregnant mother has long-term exposure to airborne pollutants during the first 6 months of pregnancy, it will increase their chances of illness and death, and cause premature birth and other problems.

Pregnant women staying in a serious air pollution environment for a long time will feel physical discomfort, may have symptoms such as dizziness, sweating, dry throat, chest tightness and vomiting, which have adverse effects on fetal development. In a long-term contaminated indoor environment, the probability of a baby suffering from a heart disease is several times that of an ordinary baby.

Old man

After entering the old age, the body functions are declining, the constitution is weaker than the young, and the resistance is relatively poor, and it is more susceptible to environmental factors to induce various diseases. Air pollution is not only an important cause of respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, pharyngitis, and pneumonia in the elderly, but also causes malignant diseases such as asthma, colon cancer, brain tumors, and Alzheimer’s disease (Alzheimer’s disease).

Living in a polluted environment for a long time will lead to a decline in liver and kidney function in the elderly. In addition, chemical pollution such as formaldehyde has a strong carcinogenic effect, which further increases the incidence of cancer in the elderly.

Office worker

Most companies are now located in office buildings. Because of the high floor and long window closure, the air flow inside is very poor. In addition, the office staff is basically indoors for a day, so it is more susceptible to indoor air pollution poisoning in terms of time probability.

If you are in an environment with poor air quality for a long time, it may easily lead to dizziness, chest tightness, fatigue, emotional ups and other discomforts, which will greatly affect work efficiency and cause various diseases. In severe cases, it may cause cancer, and the office environment becomes a watch. A healthy chronic killer that is not seen.

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air purifier,hepa filter air purifier,air purifier

What is the effect of an air purifier on healthy air?

What is the effect of an air purifier on healthy air?

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As the pursuit of modern people’s quality of life is getting higher and higher, everyone has begun to pay attention to the quality of air. However, there are still many people who are worried about the use of air purifiers when purchasing air purifiers, but rarely know that the role of air purifiers is not big, because the air is invisible, the effectiveness of air purifiers is our body. It is not easy to perceive. But today you can understand that the effect of the air purifier on the body is not big?

The newly renovated owner said: The new house has just been renovated. Although the door and window are ventilated, there is still formaldehyde. I heard that there is an air purifier specially designed to remove formaldehyde. Is it really useful?

With baby treasures said: outside is foggy days, dare not take the baby out, but also afraid to open the window, can stay in the airless room for a long time, so many bacteria, the baby always has a fever, I heard that air purification Can the device be used for removing mites and sterilizing?

The housewives at home said: Every time I cook, I have a range hood, but the evil smoke still burns me into a ‘yellow face’. I heard that the air purifier can remove smoke and dust, does it really work?

However, when you ask if the air purifier is useless, many households have already started using air purifiers, and they have become a must-have for many families. Even after many households have used air purifiers, the number of colds of the baby has decreased; after the new house is equipped with an air purifier, the green plants are longer and more lush. Although the current air is difficult to perceive that the air is difficult to perceive, let the dirty air become more and more sloppy, or ignore the purification performance of the air purifier. It is necessary to know that the human body has to breathe more than 20,000 times a day, and air quality is a key factor affecting the health of the body. One.

Therefore, you can also think that the refrigerator can be cooled, air conditioning can make the wind, you think that the air purifier can definitely give people the purification of air. At the same time, the damage caused by air pollution to the human body is chronic and invisible, so it will have a great impact on everyone’s physical and mental health in the long run. Although we can’t completely improve this problem, it can help you and your family to improve the quality of the air through air purifiers, using air purifiers, and fresh life from now on.

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air purifier,odor eliminator,air purifier odor

Serious air pollution can quickly degrade children’s brains

Serious air pollution can quickly degrade children’s brains

air purifier,odor eliminator,air purifier odor

Nowadays, in heavily polluted areas such as Mexico and Asia, many people choose to wear masks. In the world’s major cities, including Mexico City, Jakarta, New Delhi, Beijing, Los Angeles, Paris, and London, humans are polluting the air at a rate that the Earth cannot afford.

Most people think that air pollution is like dust, as small as the hair diameter (particulate matter), or even smaller (ultrafine particles). It is well known that respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis and asthma are associated with air pollution. About 1 million children die of pneumonia each year, and more than half of them are directly related to air pollution.

The volume of the particles is very small and can enter the bloodstream from the lungs and enter the brain through blood circulation. In such cases, inflammation of the brain can occur, leading to loss of cells in the central nervous system and possibly increasing the risk of dementia such as neurodegenerative diseases, cognitive deficits, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Although aging can cause mild neurodegenerative diseases, severe air pollution can accelerate the deterioration of nerve cell inflammation. To make matters worse, such severe air pollution accelerates neurodegeneration at the peak of brain development (childhood).

This is indeed the case. Today, millions of children around the world breathe polluted air, which may expose them to premature cognitive deficits and the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. This is the status quo that we continue to damage the child’s brain and shorten its life.

Unexplained cause of child death

In the late 1990s, neuropathologist and paediatrician Lilian Calderón-Garcidueña published a report stating that early signs of neurodegeneration were associated with air pollution by testing the brain tissue of adults, children and dogs that were “accidentally” dead and of unknown cause. .

These brain organizations have one thing in common – they all live in Mexico City, one of the most polluted cities in the world.

Further research shows that there is often a rather serious situation in scientific reports. In diseased animals and humans, their unhealthy brain slice microscopic images show that tiny black spots surrounded by inflamed tissue are particles and ultrafine particles. Around the inflamed spots, you sometimes see streaks similar to scars, and you can see pink stems. These are the common amyloid plaques in the brain after death in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. I joined Lilian’s team as an expert in cognitive development neuroscience and neuroimaging. We use behavioral tests and shoot images of the target brain area to explore signs of precocious cognitive deficits in humans.

Children’s brain cognitive ability is significantly reduced

We found that the cognitive abilities of children in Mexico City decreased significantly compared to the normal population and other children with similar age, gender, family and neighborhood backgrounds living in less polluted areas. We can identify abnormal cognitive deficits in key brain development areas, the prefrontal, temporal, and parietal lobes of the cerebral cortex. We also found atypical cognitive phenomena in the auditory brainstem, which may be related to language developmental disorders. Children’s neuroimaging is consistent with the most severe damage in the white matter, and white matter provides a conductive communication link. We can prove that in many cases, the symptoms of neuroinflammation in children in Mexico City are much more serious than in children. Today, consistency can be drawn from similar findings in other large cities or other researchers: air pollution damages the brains of millions of children, so protecting them is critical to public health.

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air purifier,restroom air purifier,anion generator restroom air purifier

Air pollution sounds alarm: air pollution is the worst in Turin, Paris and London

Air pollution sounds alarm: air pollution is the worst in Turin, Paris and London

air purifier,restroom air purifier,anion generator restroom air purifier

A few days ago, the data in the air quality report released by the European Environmental Agency AEA showed that Italy is the country with the largest number of deaths due to nitrogen dioxide in the EU countries, with an annual number of 14,600 people, which also tends to be critical in environmental pollution indicators. Prior to the 2016 environmental report, there were 3,000 people killed by ozone, and 58600 people died of PM2.5 exceeding the standard, ranking second in the EU.

According to the overall data, there are 372,000 people in the EU due to environmental pollution, which is a decrease from the 391,000 in 2015. Although Italy’s indicators are not good, but the number is also decreasing compared with 2015. In 2015, there were 20,000 people killed by nitrogen dioxide in Italy.

According to the 2017 data, the largest PM2.5 values ​​are in Eastern European countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, etc.) and Italy. From the perspective of big cities, Turin, Paris and London are the most polluted cities in the EU. From the perspective of small cities, the content of PM2.5 and PM10 in Padova air quality is significantly exceeded, and the environment of 2 million Italians lives. All air indicators tend to be the lowest of the EU indicators. Relevant people said: “Italian air quality data is a cause for concern. We are the only country in the southern European countries whose air quality tends to be critical. This is a serious health injury to Italian residents, especially the elderly and children. We must be serious. Face this problem and solve it.

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air purifier,air purifier holme,air purifier holmes

Indoor killer – the secret of indoor air pollution

Indoor killer – the secret of indoor air pollution

air purifier,air purifier holme,air purifier holmes

In the general environment of smog, indoors has become a refuge for many people. Many people generally believe that even if the outdoor environment is heavily polluted, indoors can be a pure land. In fact, this view is completely wrong. In many cases, indoor air pollution is much more serious than outdoor, because indoor air is filled with many invisible ‘killers.’

Three types of pollutants in indoor air

1.Biological pollutant:Small in size but wide in diffusion and fast in speed, it is easy to cause allergic reactions such as sneezing, eye discomfort, cough, and asthma.

Bacteria, virus:The number is large and spreads very quickly, which is easy to cause a variety of diseases.

Fungal spore:It is easy to spread and multiply in the air in humid and warm climates. Long-term exposure can cause allergies and asthma.

Dust, dust mites:Dust is a discomfort for breathing, and it is a hotbed of dust mites and fungi. Dust mites are active small insects that often grow on mattresses, sheets and furniture or are suspended in the air to increase the chance of asthma.

Pollen:Flowers in the outdoors and even in the vases produce pollen, which can cause significant discomfort in the respiratory tract, eyes and skin after inhalation. Pets and human hair and dandruff are very small, easy to enter the human respiratory system, and provide favorable conditions for dust mites and fungi reproduction.


From pets, cooking, garbage and the human body. The odor is unpleasant, affecting the home life and the neighborhood environment.

3.Chemical pollutants

From cigarettes, decoration works, cleaning supplies and furniture, prolonged exposure to skin, nerves and respiratory tract, posing a health hazard.

Secondhand smoke

It has been identified by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the International Agency for Research on Cancer as a human carcinogen of Class A, containing hundreds of toxic substances and carcinogens such as carbon monoxide and formaldehyde, which are particularly harmful to children whose lungs are still developing.


Splints, press plates, urea-formaldehyde finished products and flooring from everyday furniture are classified as harmful carcinogens. High concentrations of formaldehyde can irritate the eyes, nose and respiratory system, and in severe cases can cause asthma.


Including benzene, toluene, xylene, etc., some of which are identified by the World Health Organization as carcinogens. Mainly from a variety of building materials organic solvents, such as paints, coating additives and wallpaper, carpets, synthetic fibers. Long-term exposure can cause chronic poisoning, neurasthenia and blood system symptoms. In severe cases, aplastic anemia can occur, even leukemia and death.

Radon gas

From soil, rocks and granite. Hernia is colorless, tasteless, and difficult to detect. The products of hernia decay will accumulate in the lungs. It is the second source of lung cancer. Its ranking is second only to smoking. I think many people have already recognized it. Was reshaped.

Since indoor air pollution is so serious, how to solve indoor air pollution? Is there any coup to solve the problem of indoor pollution? Olansi air purifiers come to you.

Gas purifier is a coup to solve indoor pollution

The air purifier can reduce the active oxygen (oxygen free radicals) generated by pollutants, nitrogen oxides, cigarettes, etc. from the atmosphere, and reduce the harmful effects of excessive active oxygen on the human body; the negative ions released can not only promote the synthesis and storage of vitamins in adults, Strengthening and activating the physiological activities of the human body, so it is also called “air vitamin”. It is considered to have a vital effect on the life activities of human body and other organisms, like the vitamins of food. For example, after the thunderstorm, the negative ions of the air increase. People feel comfortable.

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air purifier,ion air purifier,plasmacluster ion air purifier

Characteristics of indoor air pollution

Characteristics of indoor air pollution


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Since the 20th century, the material and cultural living standards of the people have been greatly improved with the acceleration of economic development, and the quality of life and health have become a major concern. According to some surveys, modern people spend an average of 80% – 90% of their time indoors, especially old, weak, sick, disabled, young, pregnant, etc., which are longer in indoor activities. The quality of indoor air is directly related to the human body. health. However, a large number of survey data at home and abroad have confirmed such a disturbing fact: the indoor air pollution level is 5-10 times higher than the outdoor, the indoor pollutant concentration is 2-5 times higher than the outdoor, and the indoor air pollution is more than the air pollution. To be serious, domestic and foreign experts have proved that following the ‘smoke type’ and ‘photochemical smog type’ pollution, modern people are entering the third pollution period marked by ‘indoor air pollution’. At present, the number of excess deaths caused by indoor air pollution in China has reached 1.11 million, and the number of emergency evacuations has reached 4.3 million. The number of people worldwide who die each year is 2.8 million. In recent years, indoor air pollution has received widespread attention.

Causes and characteristics of indoor air pollution

Due to indoor introduction of pollution sources that release harmful substances or indoor environment poor wind, causing harmful substances in indoor air, regardless of quantity or type increased and caused a series of discomfort symptoms, indicating that the indoor air has been contaminated dye. As far as the impact of environmental pollution on human health is concerned, people live and work long time in indoor environment, poor indoor ventilation, not conducive to thinning of pollutants interpretation, self-purification, etc., indoor environmental quality is more than outdoor environmental quality important.

Indoor air pollution and air pollution are different due to their environment features are also different. Indoor air pollution has the following characteristics:


The indoor environment is a relatively closed space, and one of the characteristics of its pollution formation is cumulative. From the entry of pollutants into the room, the concentration increases, and the concentration is discharged to the outside.Gradually zero, most of them take a long time. Various items in the room, including building decoration materials, furniture, carpets, etc. may release certain chemicals.They will gradually accumulate indoors, causing the concentration of pollutants to increase, forming a body hazard.

According to scientific evidence, a person’s daily inhalation of air is about 20kg, which is equivalent to 10 times the amount of food ingested a day, which is equivalent to 52 times the weight of a normal indoor air of 100 square meters. That is, indoor air is circulated 52 times in the human body during the day, so indoor air pollution forms a cumulative effect in the human body.


The indoor environment is the most frequent and intimate environment for people to contact. More than 80% of people spend their time indoors, even if the concentration of very low pollutants, after long-term effects on the human body,also affects human health.


Indoor air pollutants have biological pollutants, such as bacteria; chemical pollutionmatter, such as formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, dioxide,sulfur, etc.; there are also radioactive pollutants, helium and its daughters.

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fresh air grille,air purifier,green air purifier

The pollution caused by indoor air mainly comes from the following five aspects

The pollution caused by indoor air mainly comes from the following five aspects

fresh air grille,air purifier,green air purifier

First, the human body breathing, smoke;

Second, decoration materials, daily necessities;

Third, microorganisms, viruses, bacteria;

Fourth, kitchen fumes;

Fifth, air conditioning syndrome.

These pollutants enter the human body with breathing and accumulate for a long time, which seriously endangers people’s health.

  1. Human breathing, smoke

The research results show that the human body will produce about 500 kinds of chemical substances in the metabolism process, and 149 kinds of pollutants discharged through the respiratory tract, the pathogens emitted by the human body and a variety of odors, among which a variety of toxic components are mixed, and must not be ignored. There are as many as 171 kinds of body waste discharged by the human body through the sweat glands of the skin, such as urea and ammonia. In addition, the cells of the human skin are about 90% of the air dust. If the concentration is too high, it will form indoor biological pollution, affect human health, and even induce a variety of diseases.

Smoking is one of the main sources of indoor air pollution. The composition of the smoke is complex, with solid and gas phases. Approved by the International Cancer Institute expert group and through animal carcinogenic experiments, there are more than 40 ‘carcinogens’ in tobacco smoke. Smoking can significantly increase the incidence of cardiovascular disease and is the ‘number one killer’ of human health.

  1. Decoration materials, daily necessities

Interior decoration using a variety of paints, paints, wall coverings, adhesives, artificial boards, marble floors and newly purchased furniture, etc., will emit phenol, formaldehyde, asbestos dust, radioactive materials, etc., which can cause headaches, insomnia, dermatitis and Allergies and other reactions reduce the body’s immune function, so the International Cancer Institute lists it as a suspected carcinogen.

  1. Microbes, viruses, bacteria

Indoor air pollution 21% caused by microorganisms. Microorganisms and fine dust are often found in warm, humid and unclean environments. They are dispersed in the air along with dust particles, becoming a source of allergens and disease transmission. Dust mites, in particular, are an allergen to human bronchial asthma. Dust mites like to live in the dust of the room, the spring and autumn are the most vigorous period of dust mites growth and reproduction.

  1. Kitchen fume

In the past, the pollution of indoor air by kitchen fumes was rarely taken seriously. According to research, the number of lung cancer patients in urban women has increased. Most patients diagnosed with adenocarcinoma by hospital are a case of lung cancer that has little connection with smoking. Further investigations have found that the carcinogenic pathway is associated with the mutagenicity of kitchen fumes and the oxidative decomposition of high-temperature edible oils. Another major source of pollution in the kitchen is the burning of fuel. In the case of poor ventilation, the concentration of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides produced by the burning appliance far exceeds the limits set by the air quality standard, and such concentration will inevitably cause harm to the human body.

  1. Air conditioning syndrome

People who work in an air-conditioned environment for a long time often feel bored, fatigued, lethargic, muscle pain, have a high incidence of colds, and have a marked decline in work efficiency and health. These symptoms are collectively referred to as “air conditioning syndrome.” The main cause of these adverse reactions is that it stays in a confined space for too long, and the accumulation of CO2, CO, respirable particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, and some pathogenic microorganisms increases the pollution. The above various reasons have caused poor indoor air quality, causing many diseases, which in turn affects work efficiency.

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air purifier,uv air purifier,medical uv air purifier

Misunderstanding of decoration : Control indoor air pollution

Misunderstanding of decoration : Control indoor air pollution

air purifier,uv air purifier,medical uv air purifier

Myth 1: A complete reliance on short-term ventilation or ventilation can solve the problem.

As a basic environmental protection measure, ventilation treatment can improve indoor pollution, but because most harmful substances will be slowly released for 3-15 years, it is not a few months of ventilation and ventilation can solve the problem. Within 3 years, you have to take a big risk of causing cancer and cancer; and the winter and summer in northern China need to close the doors and windows. Moreover, most of the living rooms and office buildings are not ideal for ventilation, and the ventilation effect will be greatly reduced. In addition, formaldehyde is used as an example. Free, adsorbed, and combined exist in three states. Only the venting treatment in the free state can be eliminated and must be more than 4 times the normal wind speed.

Frequent window ventilation is a healthy living habit that medical experts unanimously recommend, but if formaldehyde pollution is serious, ventilation alone cannot solve the problem fundamentally. Because the formaldehyde release in artificial boards usually takes more than 8 years, not to mention the summer, do you open the window or turn on the air conditioner? What about winter and the rainy season?

Myth 2: I think there is no pollution and no pollution.

Indoor formaldehyde pollution can be seen everywhere: plates, furniture, wallpapers, carpets, paints, glues, etc., and the formaldehyde release period in the plates is more than 8 years. Even if it is not smelled, it can endanger health, especially indoors. Poor air circulation, once exceeded the standard will seriously endanger human health.

Misunderstanding 3: Avoid pollution by using environmentally-friendly materials

Compliance with the standard means that the release of harmful substances is lower than the national standard. For example, the mandatory national standard for formaldehyde emission from wood-based panels and their products is not more than 1.5 mg per liter of air. However, if the same material is accumulated and used in a large area within a certain area, the harmful substances are also accumulated, and finally, the harmful objects in the renovated house may exceed the standard.

With the increase of people’s awareness of environmental protection and the improvement of consumers’ level, many families adopt high-quality environmentally-friendly materials, which of course can greatly reduce the harmful gas content and reduce the possibility of harm, but it is still difficult to meet environmental protection standards because of the decoration process. Putty, adhesive, gum water and other auxiliary materials should be used in large quantities, and even strong ones may release harmful gases.

Misunderstanding 4: Governing indoor pollution is to eliminate formaldehyde

Formaldehyde mainly comes from artificial board, furniture and decoration used in adhesives and synthetic fabrics such as carpets. Excessive concentrations can cause nausea, vomiting, cough, chest tightness, wheezing and even emphysema. It is one of the main pollutants of indoor air. Because it is the ‘number one killer’ of indoor pollution, it is highly recognized. Many consumers believe that eliminating indoor pollution is to eliminate formaldehyde, but it is not. In addition to formaldehyde, a large number of chemical materials used in building decoration materials, such as paints, solvents, thinners, adhesives, benzene series, such as benzene, toluene, xylene, etc., long-term inhalation of air with a higher concentration of benzene Causes chronic poisoning of benzene, triggers allergic dermatitis, laryngeal edema and thrombocytopenia, and can also cause aplastic anemia.

Myth 5: Over-reliance on plants

The green plants used to decorate the living environment are a powerful tool for purifying indoor air. Some home improvement people like to put a few pots of flowers in the living room, which not only can beautify the environment, but also make people happy. For example, ivy and iron trees can absorb benzene and organic matter, and indoor plants such as spider plants and aloe can absorb formaldehyde. However, relevant experts said that although some flowers have a little effect of removing pollution, the characteristics of plant action are slow, long time, and the amount of adsorption and decomposition is very limited. For the large-scale decoration, the effect is almost negligible. Moreover, some flowers are not suitable for living in the living room. For example, night scent will emit a lot of stimulating granules in the evening, which will make people with high blood pressure and heart disease feel dizzy, depressed and uncomfortable, and even worse. The rich fragrance of rose flowers will cause some people to have chest tightness, discomfort and suffocation. Difficulty breathing; oleander can secrete a milky white liquid. After a long period of contact, it can cause poisoning, causing drowsiness, mental decline and other symptoms.

Misunderstanding 6: First renovation and then governance

‘Which decoration materials sold in the market do not pollute the environment at all, it’s not too late to renovate the house after it has been renovated!’ Many consumers started to really consider the pollution of their home improvement after they installed it at home, but took remedial measures afterwards. Often the best results are not achieved. Among them, a large part of them believe that the use of air fresheners can eliminate harmful gases such as formaldehyde. ‘After the renovation, there is no harmful gas using a little air freshener,’ said Mr. Yu.

Experts say that the use of air fresheners can only mask harmful gases with odors with their fragrant gases, and they cannot be adsorbed or decomposed fundamentally. In the decoration process, the formaldehyde in the material is thoroughly removed by formaldehyde scavenger, and the odor removal products such as decoration deodorant are used to thoroughly treat the benzene series, and the relevant aspects of the treatment before the completion of the decoration are to remove harmful indoors. Effective measures for gas. According to the reporter, there are many kinds of aldehyde removal products currently on the market. Such as formaldehyde trapping agents, scavengers, etc., there are spray, brush, adsorption, machine blowing, purification and so on. At the time of renovation, the appearance of these products will undoubtedly inject a “cardiotonic agent” into the health of consumers.

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air purifier,hepa air purifier 220v,ozone air purifier

What are the sources of indoor air quality pollution?

What are the sources of indoor air quality pollution?

air purifier,hepa air purifier 220v,ozone air purifier

We know more about the dangers of indoor pollution than indoor pollution. Through the long-term analysis of indoor air composition analysis, the main sources of indoor air pollutants are mainly the following aspects: construction itself, interior decoration, furniture, combustion products, human activities and air conditioning syndrome.

  1. The pollution caused by the building itself is mainly ammonia. The concrete admixtures and antifreeze used in construction work contain a large amount of ammonia substances, which are slowly released into the wall from the wall due to changes in environmental factors such as temperature and humidity, resulting in ammonia in the indoor air. Pollution. In addition, the radioactive gas generated from the decay of radioactive materials in stone, floor tiles and ceramic tiles in underground soils and buildings can also cause excessive levels of radioactive materials in the room.
  2. The pollution caused by interior decoration is mainly formaldehyde, benzene and other pollution. Mainly from the use of paint, plywood, particle board, foam filler, interior wall coating, plastic veneer and other decorative materials. For example, artificial boards such as plywood, blockboard, medium density fiberboard and particleboard, because the adhesive used in these materials is formaldehyde-based urea-formaldehyde resin, and the residual and unreacted aldehydes in the board are gradually released to the surrounding environment. Other decorative materials that contain formaldehyde and are likely to be emitted to the outside world include wall coverings, wallpapers, chemical carpets, foams, paints and coatings.
  3. The pollution caused by furniture is mainly pollution of formaldehyde, benzene and heavy metals. According to the survey, indoor air pollution caused by furniture has become the third largest source of pollution after building pollution and decorative pollution. At present, furniture products are dominated by wood-based panel furniture (also known as panel furniture), and wood-based panels for furniture are medium-density fiberboard, of which formaldehyde is the most important environmental indicator in panel furniture. However, the production of furniture is not large. Some small workshops and underground furniture processing factories use unqualified wood-based panels and paints to produce inferior quality products due to backward production technology. At the same time, some soft furniture, such as various sofas, especially fabric sofas, mattresses, etc., mainly use benzene-containing glue, and also emit various harmful gases.
  4. Indoor air pollution caused by combustion products. Cooking and smoking are the main pollutants of indoor burning. The smoke components in the kitchen and the smoke components in cigarettes are extremely complex. More than 3,800 substances have been analyzed, which are present in the air in a gaseous or aerosol state. Among them, gaseous substances account for 90%, and many substances are carcinogenic.
  5. The body’s own metabolism and the volatile components of various domestic wastes are also a cause of indoor pollution. People in the indoor activities, in addition to the body itself through the respiratory tract, skin, sweat glands can discharge a large number of pollutants, other daily life, such as makeup, pest control, etc. can also cause air pollution, so when the number of people in the room is too much, it will make people tired, head Faint, even shock. In addition, people who are indoors will increase the indoor temperature and promote the proliferation of microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses.

From the above analysis, we can understand that the factors causing indoor air pollution are various. The pollution of indoor air caused by the release of harmful substances such as formaldehyde, benzene and homologues contained in decoration materials is only one of them. However, it is the most important and common factor in indoor air pollution. When people do not fully understand the factors affecting indoor air quality, the point of eliminating indoor air pollution points to decorative materials, and it appears that green decoration is used. Even if the material is environmentally friendly, the concept of green decoration can be understood.

There are five types of pollution sources that affect indoor air quality:

1. Fuel combustion products such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, alkanes and aldehydes;

2. Use of chemicals and other aerosols, such as pesticides. , deodorant, mousse, hair gel, etc.;

3. Use of electronic products, such as household appliances, laser printers, photocopiers, etc.;

4. Release of building materials and decorative materials, such as brick, cement, asbestos products, plywood, particle board Plastic veneers, paints, carpets, etc. will release a large amount of toxic and harmful gases;

5. Human activities such as breathing, skin secretions, indoor pets and flowers discharge and smoking.

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air purifier,filter pm2.5 air purifier,removing benzene air purifier

Air pollution leads to childhood deficiency hyperactivity disorder (ADHS)

Air pollution leads to childhood deficiency hyperactivity disorder (ADHS)

air purifier,filter pm2.5 air purifier,removing benzene air purifier

According to a Science Daily report, according to a recent study by the Columbia Children’s Environmental Health Center at Columbia University’s School of Public Health and Postage, parents exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), one of the components of air pollution, can cause children to At the age of 9, there is an increased probability of behavioral problems associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHS).

Mothers exposed to high levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during pregnancy show five times higher than average

Researchers tracked 233 non-smoking pregnant women and their children in New York City, USA, for a period of time from maternal pregnancy to child growth to childhood. The results showed that children exposed to high levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during pregnancy showed a higher than average number and extent of typical ADHD symptoms compared with children who did not receive high levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during pregnancy. The probability is five times higher. This study was the first to explore the association between parental exposure to PAH and ADHD in school-age children.

“This study suggests that exposure to higher levels of PAH in New York City may play a role in children with ADHD.” Research chief, Frederica Perrela, Director of the Columbia Children’s Environmental Health Center (Frederica) Perera) said this. “These findings are worrying because attention issues can affect children’s school performance, social relationships, and workplace performance.”

The Centers for Disease Control predicts that approximately 10% of American children between the ages of 4 and 17 have one of the following three types of ADHD: attention deficit ADHD, which means that children are difficult to concentrate, distracting and confused; Hyperactivity and impulsive ADHD; or both. As for what is causing ADHD, it is still unclear. At present, scientists only know or suspect that genes and environmental factors may have a certain impact.

PAH is a toxic air pollutant that has many sources, such as transportation, residential boilers, and power plants that use fossil fuels. The researchers measured the mother’s PAH exposure using the PAH-DNA adduct in the mother’s blood during the delivery of the mother. The level of PAH exposure in children is measured by the PAH metabolite in the urine of children at the age of three or five. The ADHD behavioral problem is assessed using the Connor Parent Rating Scale.

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