Is the fruit and vegetable machine useful? Come and learn about fruit and vegetable machines

Is the fruit and vegetable machine useful? Come and learn about fruit and vegetable machines

Pesticide residues, preservatives, fruit waxes, and other issues have been frequent in our lives. People’s health problems are increasing, and the problems of green fruits and vegetables are becoming more and more interesting. Therefore, the fruits and vegetables that can clean pesticide residues have become numerous. A must-have for the family. Many people have learned about fruit and vegetable machines on the website, but they still don’t understand the problem of “fruit and vegetable machines are useful”, and they have various concerns about the cleaning effect. As a green cleaning product that helps us solve the pesticide residue, the responsibility of the fruit and vegetable machine is very important. Let us take a look at the fruit and vegetable machine today.

What is a fruit and vegetable washing machine?
As the name suggests, fruit and vegetable machines are green cleaning machines specially used to clean fruits and vegetables, but it is not aimed at the dirt on vegetables, but on the removal of fruits and vegetables, pesticide residues and bacteria that cannot be washed off with water.
The technology of fruit and vegetable washing machines on the market is roughly divided into two types: ultrasonic fruit and vegetable washing machines and oxygen-based fruit and vegetable washing machines.
Ultrasonic fruit and vegetable washing machine
Ultrasonic fruit and vegetable cleaning agent uses high-frequency vibration of ultrasonic waves to generate a large number of tiny bubbles. The negative pressure is formed by amplifying and closing the bubbles to achieve the effect of removing dirt and impurities on the surface of the peel. However, the ultrasonic fruit and vegetable washing machine has strong adhesion to pesticides and fruit waxes. Heavy metal cleaning results are poor.
Oxygen fruit and vegetable washing machine
The active oxygen fruit and vegetable washing machine are to use the natural sterilization and disinfection of living oxygen to achieve the purpose of disinfecting and disintegrating fruits, and the active oxygen is the only additive in Europe and the United States that can directly contact food. There are also very efficient cleaning effects.

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Is the fruit and vegetable washing machine really useful?

Is the fruit and vegetable washing machine really useful?

Today, fruit and vegetable pesticides, preservatives, and edible fruit waxes are widely used. Fruit and vegetable washing machines have become an essential choice for modern families. Fruit and vegetable washing machines are the machines used to clean fruits and vegetables, but the cleaning here is not only to clean the dirt on fruits and vegetables but to clean up the fruits and vegetables, pesticide residues, etc. that cannot be washed off with water. Therefore, people have doubts about the fruit and vegetable machine, because we can’t identify the bacteria and pesticides with the naked eye, so there is no way to identify whether it can really clean the fruits and vegetables. Is the fruit and vegetable machine really useful?

The fruit and vegetable washing machine means that it supplies electricity to the ozone generator to achieve ozone during work. It mainly uses ozone technology to play the three major roles of decomposing pesticides and hormones, separating heavy metal ions, and preserving and deodorizing.
1. Ozone has strong oxidizing properties, can rapidly oxidize and oxidize molecular chains, and make pesticides and hormones become stable inorganic compounds. At the same time, ozone can also rapidly oxidize the cell walls of bacteria and viruses to form five-grade compounds, which can be disinfected. the goal of.
2. The cation in ozone can oxidize heavy metal ions dissolved in water into non-toxic and high-valent compounds insoluble in water, and precipitate and separate them.
3. Fruits and vegetables washed with ozone water can extend the shelf life by 2-3 times, while ozone can also remove the unpleasant taste.

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Can fruit and vegetable washing machines effectively remove bacteria? The correct cleaning method is taught to you!

Can fruit and vegetable washing machines effectively remove bacteria? The correct cleaning method is taught to you!

Kitchen appliances are becoming more and more diverse, and the emergence of fruit and vegetable washing machines has saved us a lot of time, but can fruit and vegetable washing machines clean the residue on fruits and vegetables? The answer is yes, the correct cleaning method will help you wash out healthy and clean fruits and vegetables, use them happily, and eat more with confidence.
Fruit and vegetable washing machine cleaning effect
1, washing fruits and vegetables
It can effectively remove pesticide residues, hormones and preservatives in fruits and vegetables, and the degradation rate is over 95%.
2, washing meat
It can effectively eliminate various hormones, toxins, and additives in meat.
3, washing the grain
It can effectively eliminate excessive chromium, pollutants and heavy metals in cereals. The removal rate is as high as 90% or more.
4, dishwashing disinfection
Can wash off bacteria, stains, and detergents from the tableware.
5, killing eggs
Destroy the outer wall of the remaining eggs on the surface of fruits and vegetables and destroy them.
6, efficient decontamination
Effectively cleans the sediment, dust, and stains on the surface of fruits and vegetables.
7, long-lasting preservation
After the fruits and vegetables are cleaned in the detoxification machine, they are actually anti-mildew and disinfected. The storage time in the refrigerator is longer and the preservation time is longer.
The correct use of fruit and vegetable washing machine
1. Before using the fruit and vegetable washing machine, you need to carefully read the instruction manual to ensure accurate operation of the machine. At the same time, check the corresponding accessories and circuits according to the requirements of the cleaning machine.
2. Carefully wipe the washbasin and casing carefully before using the machine.
3. Prepare the vegetables and fruits that need to be disinfected. First, wash the vegetables and fruits once with running water.
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