The role of the air purifier

The role of the air purifier

Air purifiers, also known as “air cleaners“, air purifiers, purifiers, are capable of adsorbing, decomposing or converting various air pollutants (generally including PM2.5, dust, pollen, odor, formaldehyde, etc.). , bacteria, allergens, etc., products that effectively improve air cleanliness, mainly divided into household, commercial, industrial, and building.

There are many different technologies and media in the air purifier that enable it to provide clean and safe air to the user. Commonly used air purification technologies include: adsorption technology, negative (positive) ion technology, catalytic technology, photocatalytic technology, superstructure photo mineralization technology, HEPA high efficiency filtration technology, electrostatic dust collection technology, etc.; material technology mainly includes: photocatalyst, activated carbon, Synthetic fiber, HEAP high-efficiency material, negative ion generator, etc. The existing air purifiers are mostly compounded, that is, a plurality of purification technologies and material media are simultaneously used.

First, the applicable places:

1. A newly renovated or refurbished residence.

2. There are elderly, children, pregnant women, and newborns.

3. The residence of people with asthma, allergic rhinitis, and pollen allergy.

4. Housing for pets and livestock.

5. A residence that is more closed or affected by secondhand smoke.

6, hotels, public places.

7. The residence of people who are willing to live with high quality.

8, hospitals, reduce infections, prevent the spread of disease.

Second, the applicable population:

1. Pregnant women: Pregnant women may feel general malaise in indoors with serious air pollution, such as dizziness, sweating, dry throat, chest tightness, and vomiting, which may have adverse effects on fetal development. The risk of developing heart disease is three times that of a pregnant woman who breathes fresh air.

2, children: children’s body is developing, the immune system is relatively fragile, vulnerable to indoor air pollution, resulting in decreased immunity, physical development retardation, induced blood diseases, increased incidence of asthma in children so that children’s intelligence is greatly reduced.

3. Office family: An enviable career when working in a high-end office building. However, in a temperature-constrained environment with poor air quality, it is easy to cause dizziness, chest tightness, fatigue, emotional ups, and downs, etc., affecting work efficiency, causing various diseases, and severe cases can also cause cancer.

4, the elderly: old people’s physical function decline, often a variety of chronic diseases ridden. Air pollution not only causes respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, pharyngitis, and pneumonia in the elderly. It also induces heart and blood vessel diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and cerebral hemorrhage.

5, respiratory disease patients: long-term living in polluted air will cause respiratory function decline, respiratory symptoms aggravated, especially rhinitis, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, emphysema, and other diseases. Auxiliary and radical treatment is achieved by breathing pure air. [5]

6, the driver: the car is lack of oxygen, car exhaust pollution is serious.

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