hydrogen water ionizer,Hydrogen Water,Hydrogen Water sprayer

Immersion hydrogen-rich scrubber

Immersion hydrogen-rich scrubber

hydrogen water ionizer,Hydrogen Water,Hydrogen Water sprayer

Hydrogen molecule health beauty function:

1, hydrogen helps to relieve fatigue after exercise

2, hydrogen can promote the uptake of glucose by muscle cells

3, containing hydrogen water bath can fight UV

4, protective effect of hydrogen physiological saline on ultraviolet B skin damage

5, anti-wrinkle beauty effect of hydrogen

6, hydrogen can prevent aging

7, hydrogen inhibits the uptake of fatty acids and fat by hepatocytes

8, hydrogen water protects male fertility

9, hydrogen has a weight loss effect

Rich hydrogen bath · wash out beautiful skin

High concentration hydrogen production

  • Hydrogen production: Start hydrogen production by water, automatically shut down after 15 minutes of electrolysis, or stop producing hydrogen by effluent.
  • Hydrogen-rich concentration up to 1500PPb (self-test laboratory data report)

Hydrogen-rich water beauty

  • Facial spa, full body bath, full depth of care with high concentration of hydrogen water
  • Quickly penetrate skin cells to achieve anti-oxidation, wrinkle-removing, skin elasticity and skin smoothness
  • Hydrogen quickly penetrates the surface layer of human skin and penetrates into all parts of the body, effectively improving fatigue and staying away from sub-health
  • Hydrogen-rich water beauty, no added, green health and environmental protection, no side effects


If you are interested in this, please contact us for more products and preferential prices
+86 13922346046

Audit factory evaluation

Audit factory evaluation

With the development of the international business department of Olans, our air purifiers, water purifiers, hydrogen-rich water products and beauty instruments have gradually become international. Our export market has spread all over the world.

Among them, key markets such as Europe, Australia, and the Americas have corresponding certifications, such as CE, CB, GS, KC/CA, RoHS, REACH, etc.

In addition, our company has also received a lot of audit factories like SAMSANG, HAIER, Rinnai, Rentokil and other large companies.
Most of the audit factories, Olansi factory has achieved very good scores in the following aspects.
If you want to know more about Australia Health Products Co., Ltd., we are always welcome to visit and review.

EvaluationEvaluation Standard
1Rule & System모델별 제조 사양서 보유여부 (내용물, 전장물, 라벨류, 포장사양)
Is it have each model Production Specifications ? (Normal Items, Circuit Items, Labels, Packing spec etc.)
2Rule & System생산실적 처리 프로세스가 구축되어 있고 관리 되는가? (계획관리 및 실적관리는 규격화된 Tool을 운영여부)
Is it have Production result manage system process & it is managed ? (Plan & Result managed by standard tool)
3Rule & System조립공정내 Wrist Strap(어스링) 착용 및 관리 여부 (조립공정내 작업자 어스링 착용여부) – 선택
Is it to use Wrist Strap(earth ring) & manage it in assembly process ? (In assembly process Worker Earth ring use or not)
4라인운영제조 공정내 CTQ 관리공정 선정, Rule 준수여부 (작업 지도서 내용기재, 작업자 숙지여부)
Line OperationIn production process, is it have CTQ manage point & it keep rule? (CTQ point have in Work Instruction, Worker know CTQ point)
5라인운영자재 오투입 방지를 위한 운영 프로세스는 보유하는가? (라인 패트롤 운영: 자재관리 운영 수준 점검)
Line OperationIs it have operation process for prevent wrong/error material input? (Operation Line patrol: check material manage operation level)
6라인운영(Panel, PBA 등) 정전기 방지를 위한 환경구축 여부 Ionizer 설치, 이온 Blower 등 청결 관리 상태
Line Operation(Panel, PBA etc) Is it have ESD/EOS environment system for prevent static electricity? (Ionizer install, Ion Blower etc clean status)
7라인운영조립라인 시생산(Ship Release) 생산능력 분석 및 조치 (생산라인의 CAPA 대비 실적관리 수준을 자체 관리여부)
Line OperationIs it have process Production Line prototype produce(Ship Release) productivity analysis & action?
(Self management production line capacity compare with produce result status)
8라인운영공정 투입박스는 표준화되어 양품과 불량을 구분되는가? (불량 BOX 구분 및 혼적 및 기준 초과 대상 검증)
Line OperationIs it to distinguish OK/NG material by process insert standard BOX? (Check Distinguish NG BOX, mixed, Non standard material)
9라인운영생산 실적집계는 주기적으로 하는가? (제품별, 라인별, Sub공정별 생산수량 등 작성)
Line OperationIs it checked production result by periodically? (Each model, Each line, Each Sub line product Q’ty etc)
10생산설비공정 계측 장비 비치 및 사용법 숙지 상태 (성능검사, 누설검사, 수동 및 자동 검사, 안전검사 等)
Production EquipmentProcess Tester status & Use method know status (Performance Tester, Leakage Tester, Manual/Automation Tester, Safety Tester etc.)
11생산설비설비보전(기사) 설비운영 관리를 자체 규칙에 의해 운영 (PM계획, PM실적 등 설비유지 보수 항목등 자체기준)
Production EquipmentEquipment conservation(technician) manage equipment operation by self rule & process? (PM plan, PM result etc, Equipment maintenance by self rules)
12제조운영정해진 방법으로 표준작업 지도서를 활용한 작업여부 (작업전 준비, 점검사항 , 치공구, 작업방법 등)
Production OperationIs it to use standard Work Instruction to work by definite method? (Preparation to work, Check list, Jig, Work manual etc.)
13인력운영공장 정상 가동을 위한 핵심 제조인력 운영 및 양성운영 (관리자,검사자, Key 작업자, 수리사 등 Key man)
Manpower OperationFor plant normal operation, is it have core worker operation & education system? (Manager, Tester, Key worker, Repair-man etc core worker)
14Logistics자재 (입고시) Sample 검사를 실시 하는가? (KIT별 착하 검사 및 관리 List 여부 (BOX회손 및 적재))
When material input, Is it check sampling test? (Each KIT arrival check & manage check list (Box damage, Stacking))
15Logistics창고 및 제조 현장내 구역별 표기 등 정위치 관리여부? (불량자재와 양품자재 구분 구획선 관리)
Is it managed each section display, on position in warehouse, production site ? (NG and OK materail distinguish lines management)
16Logistics완제품 보관 프로세스는 운영되고 있는가? (모델별, 거래선별 구분관리 및 우천시 대응 체계)
Is it operation complete product storage process? (Each model, Each buyer distinguish manage & when rain action system)
17Logistics자재 창고내 재고는 장부와 실물 수량이 일치하는가? (거래선 자체 자재일보 대비 실물수량 관리여부)
Is it matched real stock q’ty in material warehouse with stock-list? (Real q’ty compare with stock-list management)
18Logistics회로물 보관 Tray는 품질에 이상이 없는 기준에 적합한가? (무포장 직투입 . 품질불량 방지, 먼지유입 차단 등)
Is it no quality problem about Circuit material storage Tray box? (Nonpacking directly inserting, prevent quality defect, prevent dust etc)
19SMD/PBAMain Line에서 Feed-back(후가공) 불량 발생시 이력관리는 되고 있는가?
Is it managed history when generate defect in Main Line Feed-back defect?
20SMD/PBASMD/PBA 핵심 S/Part보유 및 관리방법은 거래선 자체 기준 대비 양호하게 관리 되는가? (장소, 구역, 보관)
Is it managed SMD/PBA core spare part storage & manage method by self standard rules? (place, section, storage)
21라인운영아웃소싱 변경점 프로세스 보유(G-CS) (ODM사 BPCR 발행, 본사 OS품질, ODM 업체 No 이력관리)
Line OperationIs it have outsourcing Change point process(G-CS)? (ODM BPCR issue, HQ OS quality, ODM vendor No. History manage)
hydrogen water maker

OLS-H3 hydrogen water maker from olansi factory

                                                             OLS-H3 hydrogen water maker from olansi factory


hydrogen water maker

Olansi hydrogen water jar OLS-H3 got very popular selling in USA,spain,korea,indonesia etc market.

Below share the details:

Product Item :Hydrogen Water Machine

Color: White or Customized

Size: 210*182*336mm

Net Weight: 2.7KG

Volume: 1.6L

Water temperature:1-50℃

Hydrogen Content:Above 1000ppb

Material:PC(Pitcher), PP(Filter’s housing), generator(Titanium platinum), ABS(appearance), silica gel(sealing element)

Filter:Calcium sulfite filter remove the Residual chlorine


Power: 15W

Feature:Hydrogen comes flush buttons, freedom of choice, use more convenience.

hydrogen water maker

Benefits of hydrogen water:

Hydrogen water can neutralize ROS, Reactive Oxygen Species which are notorious for destroying normal cells or distorting DNAs. Besides, you can also enjoy helpful minerals dissolved in hydrogen water.

Hydrogen-Rich Water or hydrogenated water contains active hydrogen ions that act as powerful antioxidants in your body. The ions help eliminate oxygen free radicals that contribute to the development of illness and ultimately are responsible for the aging process. if you want to know more, pls contact

Best regards,
Kerry Zhang
oversea department manager
Olansi Healthcare Co.,Ltd.
(GuangZhou Olans Water Treatment Equipments Co.,Ltd)
Mob./Whatsapp/wechat: +86 18898531824
Email: kerry@olansiglobal.com / airpurifiersfactory@vip.163.com

Why is the central air conditioner more equipped with an air purifier (surprising air conditioning pollution)

Why is the central air conditioner more equipped with an air purifier (surprising air conditioning pollution)

As we all know, the central air purification system is installed in the air return and the unit. The air with pollutants in the room is purified by the central air purifier through the air return port, and then circulated to the room through the fan coil and then through the air outlet. The outdoor polluted air passes through the air purifier inside the unit and is sent to the room through the air supply duct. The central air purifier can not only purify indoor air, but also kill bacteria and protect central air conditioners from secondary pollution.
So why does central air conditioning require an air purifier? (Amazing air conditioning pollution)
In Experiment 1, a bowl of rice that was covered, after only 72 hours of blowing under the air conditioner, was slightly discolored.

A bowl of rice that was not covered, after blowing for 72 hours under the air conditioner, had long black hair and a large moldy spot.

Under the microscope, the mold is shocking.

After the air conditioner is cleaned, the molding dish is basically transparent.

China CDC, Shanghai CDC, Fudan University School of Public Health and other institutions conducted on-site household air-conditioning household surveys in Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen. The results showed that 88% of the air-conditioning fins exceeded the standard, and 84% of the air-conditioning fin molds. The total number exceeded the standard; the bacteria detected in the air-conditioning fins exceeded the standard by up to 1000 times.

Zhang Liubo, chairman of the disinfection branch of the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, said that in addition to a large amount of dust, air conditioners also have pathogenic bacteria such as aphids, bacteria, and fungi. During operation, the bacteria and fungi inside the air conditioner, especially the heat sink, are sprayed out with the air outlet and enter the human body with the respiratory tract. It is easy to cause dizziness and fatigue in the human body, and even suffer from respiratory diseases such as colds, rhinitis, and asthma. Therefore, many air-conditioning diseases are not caused by alternating hot and cold, and pollution in air conditioners is also a source of disaster.
Fresh in Central
Central Fresh is a leading brand of global air purification systems focused on providing air purification solutions worldwide.
In China, Zhongxin Qingxin has comprehensive business activities such as technology research and development, product production, program design, and construction services. While grateful for the trust of our customers, Central Fresh strives to provide superior products and services to commercial and dealer customers and strives to create maximum value for our customers.

Contact us for more products and discounted prices
+86 13922346046

Do you know what health benefits hydrogen water has?

Do you know what health benefits hydrogen water has?

Whenever our cells use oxygen, they also produce free radicals. These free radicals are not in orbit because they are closely related to aging and many diseases. The scientific community has proposed hydrogen as a safe antioxidant, selectively reducing toxic reactive oxygen species and helping the body detoxify.

Compared with ordinary water, the concentration of hydrogen is proportional to the content of hydrogen in the earth’s atmosphere, but more molecular hydrogen has been found in hydrogen water. Hydrogen advocates are antioxidants that increase energy, help recover from exercise, reduce inflammation and slow the aging process.

Because of this different nature, molecular hydrogen can penetrate into any organ and cell of the body. It may contain antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, and the health benefits of weight hydrogen water are not limited. We list health benefits.

* As an antioxidant, it protects the brain.

* Can improve emotional disorders.

Reduce inflammation.

* Reduce muscle fatigue and weakness.

* It can prevent metabolic syndrome.

* Can promote weight loss.

* Enhance energy metabolism.

* Reducing diabetes is very helpful.

* It can alkalize the body.

* It kills cancer cells and prevents them from growing.

* It can reduce wrinkles and improve skin health.

* It can improve your bladder health.

* You can prevent heart disease and deafness.

* It can protect your eyes, it brings more benefits.

* Ability to reduce side effects of chemotherapy and radiation.

Contact us for more products and discounted prices
+86 13922346046

Hydrogen manufacturers improve your health

Hydrogen manufacturers improve your health

Therefore, to study, water is free and tasteless, but it is easily exposed to certain bacteria and chemicals.

I will further improve your health.

In fact, our bodies are considered an aging process because they are vulnerable to stress and sweating, but we need hydrogen to make up for that. The antioxidant effect of hydrogen on the human body enhances the overall function of the digestive system, reduces blood pressure and improves sleep function.

Hydrogen-rich water is called hydrogen water, but hydrogen preparation is common and is increasing today, but it may be ready to increase your energy and improve your muscles. Water can provide enough help to prevent signs of aging, restore their youth and meet their expectations of improving health.

Benefits of drinking hydrogen water:

* It can help you relieve headaches and arthritis symptoms.

* In fact, it’s a very disease-resistant agent, so it can help you stay healthy better.

* Compared with regular tap water, hydrogen water can help you use all the nutrients in your food.

* In addition, drinking hydrogenated water helps to remove toxic and unnecessary waste from the body.

Tap water can’t help absorb nutrients, but now is a good time to buy hydrogen water manufacturers and drinking hydrogen water. All users of hydrogen water manufacturers who absorb more nutrients from food can get detoxification benefits, such as huge hydrogen solubility and permeability. They can get extraordinary benefits and meet their health promotion expectations. Hope.

Contact us for more products and discounted prices
+86 13922346046

what's hydrogen water?

What’s Hydrogen Water?

What’s Hydrogen Water?

what's hydrogen water?

what’s hydrogen water?

In twenty-first Century, with the development of science and technology, medical technology advances more and more doctors, more and more large, people pay more and more attention to their health, but the type of disease but does not reduce, the disease incidence rate is more and more high. As a kind of rare cancer diabetes before, but now we meet the eye everywhere. With around the development of modern industry and the pace of life of people, a significant change in the eating habits, chemical toxins contact every day more and more.

Accumulation of toxins in the body, resulting in a large number of free radicals, which lead to excessive oxidative stress, resulting in oxidation of human cells, resulting in damage to the human body, resulting in aging and a variety of diseases.

The people gradually understand to the toxin free radical, a large number of antioxidant products into our life. So what is the most effective antioxidant products? At the beginning of 2007 Japanese university medical research geriatric Institute chief professor Tada Nario, after nearly 4 years of painstaking research, prove that hydrogen is a powerful antioxidant, can neutralize human toxicity free radical. In recent years the world experts joined the study of hydrogen molecular biology, found that the penetration of hydrogen diffusion, easy absorption, and very safe.

February 3, 2016 CCTV discovery channel broadcast a film called “the sword of the hydrogen – > antioxidant science documentary, let many people aware of the importance of maintaining hydrogen oxidation, human health. With the study of biological hydrogen, hydrogen products gradually ask the world.

Because the human body every day need to replenish water, hydrogen dissolved in water, water intake to the body through hydrogen became hydrogen uptake in the most convenient way. This is called the hydrogen rich water, and hydrogen rich water. Because the hydrogen in Japanese is called “water”, so it is also called “water hydrogen rich water plain water. The hydrogen rich water products on the market are mainly filling (bag) with hydrogen rich water, magnesium rod hydrogen, hydrogen rich water and hydrogen rich water machine. In the face of so many types of products, how do we choose? First, to see whether the principle of hydrogen production equipment, to ensure the purity of hydrogen. Second, to see the concentration of hydrogen rich water, the higher the concentration of hydrogen on human health better. In addition to the overall price, market reputation and use is convenient to choose.

Olansi W11

Explore the therapeutic effect of hydrogen-rich water on gout

Explore the therapeutic effect of hydrogen-rich water on gout

Olansi W11

Hydrogen-rich water has little research paper on gout, but the anti-inflammatory effect of hydrogen has been affirmed by many scholars, and there is a clear clinical study on rheumatoid arthritis. The results of research on the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with hydrogen-rich water are also very clear.
Hydrogen is so amazing that it is almost freely available. Gout patients are worth trying to use hydrogen for health and prevention.
A recent study in Japan showed that hydrogen has a significant therapeutic effect on rheumatoid, especially early rheumatoid. The study was a non-double-blind, small-scale clinical study with limited credibility.
1. Study and select 20 patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
2, the treatment is to let patients drink 530ml of high concentration of hydrogen water every day, the entire treatment cycle is 12 weeks.
3. Treatment First use hydrogen water for 4 weeks, then stop for 4 weeks, then drink hydrogen water for 4 weeks.
4. Indicators: Octahydroxyguanine in blood and urine is used as an indicator of oxidative damage, and C-reactive protein is used as an indicator of inflammatory response.
The results showed that after 4 weeks of treatment, both the urinary oxidative index and the inflammatory response index decreased significantly. After 4 weeks, the above indicators continued to decline (cause?). After 4 weeks of treatment, the urine oxidation index decreased further, and the urine oxidation index was lower than the normal level, but there was no significant decrease. Most surprisingly, all five patients with early onset (less than 12 months of onset) had significant relief, and 4 of them completely disappeared after treatment.

Olansi W11

Hydrogen-rich water can relieve gout
1, Hydrogen-rich water dissolves 21.3 mg of uric acid per 100 ml, which is more than twice that of ordinary drinking water. Regular drinking can lower blood uric acid levels.
2, during gout treatment, generally need to drink enough water every day to ensure that the daily urine volume is not less than 2000ml so that uric acid is fully excreted.

Olansi W11 RO Hydrogen Strontium Water 3s Fast Heat Water Dispenser

The world’s only four-in-one water dispenser with a hydrogen production capacity of up to 2000 ppb, including 3s rapid heating technology, reverse osmosis water purification and rich strontium filtration to meet all the water needs in your healthy life.
Choose Olansi and choose healthy living.

Contact us for more products and discounted prices
+86 13922346046