There are many ways to effectively clean the air.

There are many ways to effectively clean the air.

There are many types of best inexpensive air purifier on the market today, and the effects are different, but the principle is the same, all the air is filtered, but some bacteria after filtration are still not killed. If the bacteria continue to multiply on the filter, it will become a source of pollution.
“The filter capacity of the best inexpensive HEPA air purifier is limited. In the case of serious air pollution, the filter will be saturated after a few months, and it needs to be cleaned or replaced regularly.” The relevant person in charge of the Municipal CDC introduced If it is not cleaned regularly, the bacteria will multiply on the accumulated dust when the humidity is right. At this time, the air purifier is not only ineffective but becomes a source of pollution.
In addition, the person in charge also suggested that although environmental problems have ignited the air purifier market because such products are not developed in China for a long time, consumers should calmly think when they choose. “If the public feels that it is really necessary, it is ok to buy a high-powered one. There is no need to buy four or five units or even more at home. This is an increase in the area of ​​purification. The effect is the same.” Wu Changzhu also said that it is regular. Clean the room, keep the room ventilated, when the air quality is good, open the window to change the air, the air pollution is serious, the morning and evening peaks open fewer windows, and the green plants such as spider plants are placed indoors, which also help to purify the air, and is simple, Affordable and easy to operate.
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