Air purifier health function: air conditioning disease

Air purifier health function: air conditioning disease

Watermelon, WiFi, air conditioning, the three “treasures” that are known as summer, is the favorite of the homeowners. Working, studying, and eating in an air-conditioned room during the hot summer is a very pleasant thing. However, the air-conditioned room is relatively sealed, the air does not circulate, and the indoor furniture volatilizes pollutants. After continuous accumulation, many harmful gases exceed the standard, which may cause cough, headache, salivation and other symptoms, commonly known as “air conditioning disease.”
So what role can the Yikang negative ion best cheap air purifier for smoke play in the summer?
01 Prevent bacterial infection
Summer is the season of bacterial reproduction. In addition to directly entering our body, these bacteria can enter our body by attaching particles and dust with a diameter of less than 5μm. Even by talking, coughing, sneezing, etc., we can easily put the mouth and throat. Pathogenic microorganisms in organs and lungs are transmitted to other people through the air, and some epidemics are caused by the spread of germs. The sterilization function of the air purifier can solve this problem very well, so if someone has a cold or cough in the house, it is recommended to turn on the air purifier.
02 Prevention of “air conditioning disease”
In summer, the temperature is high, and many people can’t wait to stay in the air-conditioned room for a day. Although the air-conditioning is cool, the doors and windows are closed all day long, not only the humidity is very large, but also the indoor air is not circulated, causing indoor air pollution, which will cause various discomforts. When turning on the air conditioner, it is recommended to turn on the best small air purifier for smoke.
03 purification indoor formaldehyde
The increase in temperature will increase the volatilization of indoor pollutants. According to the statistics of the health department, the concentration of formaldehyde and benzene released by furniture increases by 0.15 to 0.37 times for every degree of humidity increase. The pollutants in the home are not released in a short time, and it takes 15 years to completely release the clean. Many indoor air purifiers in addition to formaldehyde can help us remove harmful substances such as formaldehyde so that users can have a fresh indoor environment in the summer.
04 Prevention of second-hand smoke hazards
Many people like to smoke, which has buried the hidden dangers of second-hand smoke for their families. Second-hand smoke contains hundreds of known toxic or carcinogenic substances, including formaldehyde, benzene, and vinyl chloride. The concentration of many carcinogens and toxic chemicals in second-hand smoke is higher than that smoked by smokers themselves. The purifying function of the air purifier can remove these harmful substances well and provide a healthy indoor living environment for everyone.
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