There is no smog in summer, but it is more necessary to open an air purifier.

There is no smog in summer, but it is more necessary to open an air purifier.

As soon as summer comes, the haze is obviously much less.
Air quality is also getting better.
Many people have turned off the HEPA room air purifier at home.
Especially in the southern part of the smog that was not so serious.
However, most people don’t know,
In the summer without smog,
There is a fog in the winter and there is TVOC in the summer.
Everyone knows that winter should guard against smog, but ignore the “TVOC” in summer.
 “TVOC” refers to the total volatile organic compounds in the room, including carbon monoxide, carbonates, and ammonium carbonate, and a series of toxic and harmful gases in the air. These substances will volatilize more indoors as the temperature rises in summer.
The problem of the volatilization of indoor harmful gases is often more severe in summer than in winter.
For formaldehyde, a pollutant that is particularly harmful to the body, its volatile release is greatly affected by temperature. For every 1 °C rise in room temperature, the concentration of formaldehyde volatilized from wooden furniture and flooring increased by 0.15 to 0.37 times. Tiles also often contain serious carcinogenic gases such as radioactive cesium, which also spread as temperatures rise.
In summer, everyone is used to closing doors and windows and air conditioning. As a result, indoor pollutants are more difficult to reduce. In addition, if the interior of the air conditioner is rarely cleaned, the indoor bacterial microorganisms are more likely to grow and are inhaled into our respiratory tract along with harmful gases. Therefore, staying in the air-conditioned room often feels dry mouth and mouth, itching of the throat, mild symptoms of cold, and serious respiratory diseases, which is often referred to as “air conditioning disease.”
The World Health Organization has listed indoor air pollution as a top 10 threat to human health, including hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and obesity. The main culprit of respiratory diseases and intestinal infections and even leukemia, which are predisposed to infants and young children, are also closely related to indoor air pollution.
How to effectively reduce indoor air pollution
Most families generally open windows for long periods of time after the renovation of the new home. However, even if you have been through the wind for half a year, it is not a cure.
Research by the National University of Yokohama in Japan shows that the release period of indoor formaldehyde is generally 3-15 years. Short-term ventilation is unable to completely remove indoor formaldehyde. This harmful volatiles will accompany the long-term existence of residence.
In addition, more people are hoping for bamboo charcoal bags, plants, and fruit skins. As the saying goes, partial treatment of serious illnesses, it turns out that these effects on eliminating indoor pollution are almost negligible and can be ignored.
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How to better maintain the air purifier?

How to better maintain the air purifier?

Typically the pre-filter (typically back cover) after using for a new long time, will collect some of the particles, thus affect air outlet and air purification result. Consequently, we need to make use of a vacuum cleaner to be able to suck away the dust particles or use a publication to clean up, or even water to clean.
The filters, some regarding the filters must be routinely exposed under the sun in order to better maintain the filter efficiency, such as turned on carbon filters.
Deodorizing filtration, some brands’ odor removing filter could be water laundered. It can maintain a longer filtration system lift time by cleansing filters with water.

Typically the ion generator, generally this is built-in, would not need cleaning, ion generator using good quality can, it can efficiency are high.
four. Air purifier dust filtration system dust collection plates will need regular cleaning, general cleanup once per week. Wash dust filtration system or collection plates along with soap, install it right after they are dry to be able to keep the airflow clean and sanitation.

Need in order to clean fan or electrode after they accumulate a certain volume of dust. General preservation every 6 months. Use a long-haired brush to eliminate dust upon fan or electrodes. Any time the air purifier is not really in use, should clean up it and then jam-packed into the box, saved in a ventilated, dried place. Usually should be aware of moisture, so as not really to lower the efficiency credited to damp or destroyed.

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+86 13922346046

Six way About Getting Healthy Air Shows Why You Need Olansi Air Purifier

Six way About Getting Healthy Air Shows Why You Need Olansi Air Purifier

The most common misconception about air cleaning is the belief it is a single task that once done is finished until another day. Air cleaning is not like vacuuming the floor, washing the dishes or the clothes. Using an air purifier for a few hours doesn’t finish the job of air cleaning.

The reason is simple. Indoor air is in a constant state of change. Particles, gases, and microorganisms are introduced by such things as foot traffic, coughing and sneezing, normal shedding of skin (dander) by humans as well as pets, your central heating and air system and other activities.

Six Facts About Getting Healthy Air

Most likely you want specific health benefits like allergy or asthma relief. What do you need to know to make certain your home use air purifier delivers those health benefits? Consider the following six issues:

Your sensitivity
Dilution of pollutants
Dispersion of pollutants
Reintroduction of pollutants
Air changes per hour (ACH)
The efficiency level of your air purifier
How Do These Points Relate To Your Air Cleaning Effort?

Each person has their own “tipping point.” Personal health and environmental factors make this a moving target. Certain allergens may provoke a reaction today but not tomorrow. It depends upon your total load of irritants and physical stresses.

The goal of air cleaning is to dilute contaminants with clean air, keeping them below the threshold at which you react.

Why do I talk about the dilution of contaminants and not total elimination? Because particles and gases do not stand still for an olansi air purifier  to capture them one by one. Normal particle motion disperses them throughout your room air.

This means clean air exiting your mini air purifier  is almost immediately recontaminated by the untreated air. You can’t hold clean air on one side of the room while cleaning the air on the other side.
This is why your air purifier should run. Constant treatment reduces pollutants and keeps them at a low level.

Countering air cleaning is the reintroduction of new pollutants. Reintroduction is like a leak in a boat. In time the boat sinks. Your air quality will sink also if you don’t stay ahead of the reintroduction rate for new pollutants.

as the boat needs steady bailing to stay afloat your room air needs continuous cleaning to stay healthy.
This is where ACH, or air changes per hour, comes into play. ACH indicates how fast you can bail your room air of contaminants.

ACH is determined by dividing the cubic feet of cleaned air your air purification  can deliver in one hour by the cubic feet of the room. Say your room is 12 x 15 with an eight-foot ceiling. That’s 1440 cubic feet (12 x 15 x 8). Say your air purifier is rated to deliver as much as 165 cubic feet per minute (165 CFM) or 9900 cubic feet over an hour. Dividing 9900 by 1440 reveals your air purifier can deliver 6.8 air changes per hour in this room.

That air purifier would be an excellent choice for that room. Most experts agree that 6 ACH is needed for those with severe respiratory problems. At least 4 ACH is recommended for typical allergy relief. In any case, never less than 2 ACH for any benefit at all and then only with the most efficient air purifier.

Which brings us to the issue of efficiency. Not all the air passing through an air purifier may be cleaned. Some may bypass the filter or the machine can’t remove 100% of the particles passing through.

The lower the total system efficiency the more times the air needs to pass through the air purifier to achieve the same cleaning result as a higher efficiency unit. This is why I recommend using only air cleaners with proven high system efficiency. It does the job with fewer ACH and thus lower fan speeds and less noise.

Putting It All Together

So, how long does an olansi air purifier need to clean a room? and with a good ACH of 4 to 6, about an hour or so to reach a point yielding good allergy relief. Of course, give your body more time to relieve itself of its allergen load. remember that you never really finish the job of air cleaning. You should run your air purifier continuously to maintain the healthiest possible air.