Is there a home quiet air purifier worth recommending?

Is there a home quiet air purifier worth recommending?

If you have used an air purifier, you will find that the air purifier noise seems to be much larger than other household appliances, especially when the maximum gear is turned on, even exceeding the noise of the electric fan. Many people scream when they buy a home, even if they have a good purification effect, they feel like inferior products.
In fact, the noise has always been one of the most difficult problems in air purifiers. If we want to increase the purification efficiency, we can increase the filter area and increase the fan speed, but these will increase the wind resistance and increase the noise. How to choose an air purifier with performance and quiet? We uncover the source of noise and see who is the most “low-key”.
First, motor noise
Most home appliances have noise generated when the motor is running, and air purifiers are no exception. The noise of the motor is actually well solved, and it is ok to purchase a professional brand motor with more cost. However, there are many brands that lose quality in order to save costs, and put a lot of money on the more intuitive functions of the products, so that the actual experience of the products is extremely poor.
Second, resonance noise
The vibration brought by the operation of the fan, the quality of the bearing and the dynamic balance of the impeller directly lead to the level of vibration of the whole fan. Air purifiers with high performance are generally large in size. If the design mechanism is unreasonable and the quality details are not good, the noise will be increased in the later stage. When purchasing, be sure to look at the professional top-rated home air purifiers. The noise level is the key factor to check the quality of the product.
Third, the wind channel noise
Wind channel noise is the main source of noise for top room air purifiers, unlike direct air blows. The fan presses the unfiltered air into the filter element, filters through the multi-layer composite filter, and exits the air duct. Due to the strong wind resistance of the composite filter, the noise will increase significantly, and if the air duct design is unreasonable and the turbulence is more, the noise will be very large.
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