Eight misunderstandings of indoor environment and modern decoration

Eight misunderstandings of indoor environment and modern decoration

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Eight major mistakes in the indoor environment

  1. As long as you feel no smell, there is no pollution in the indoor environment;
  2. As long as the materials used in the decoration are in line with national standards, there must be no pollution indoors;
  3. Only pay attention to the pollution caused by decoration repair, ignoring the indoor environmental pollution caused by the purchase of furniture;
  4. Pay attention only to the indoor environment pollution of the family, and pay no attention to the pollution of units, offices and public places;
  5. Only pay attention to the pollution caused by interior decoration, and pay no attention to other aspects of pollution;
  6. Only know that ventilation is conducive to purifying the environment, do not know how to properly ventilate;
  7. Only know that air purifiers and purifiers can purify indoor air, but do not know how to use them reasonably;
  8. Only know that the indoor environment should be tested, but do not know how to choose the test unit;

Eight major mistakes in modern decoration

Misunderstanding 1: When designing a living room, consider more beautiful and luxurious, but not care about the indoor environment, function and safety;

Myth 2: As long as you choose high-grade or expensive building materials, you can avoid pollution.

Myth #3: Let the large-scale home improvement company decorate, the indoor environment should be qualified, and can stay soon;

Misunderstanding 4: After renovation, air fresheners, pineapple skin, orange peel, etc. can be used to purify indoor harmful gases;

Misunderstanding 5: Do a good job in indoor sanitation and greening, indoor pollution can be solved;

Misunderstanding 6: All the decoration materials used are environmentally friendly products, and the indoor air after decoration will not be polluted;

Myth 7: Some unpleasant smells of newly renovated houses and newly purchased furniture are normal because they are new;

Myth 8: After staying for a period of time, there is no unpleasant smell in the living room, there is no pollution, it is safe.

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