Olansi Air Purifier teaches you how to choose an air purifier

Olansi Air Purifier teaches you how to choose an air purifier

Olansi K08E

Obviously, the fact that you found this page means that you already know the importance of installing air purifiers in your home or business. So we don’t have to waste your time trying to convince you to get one.

However, you may still want to know how to choose the appropriate OEM air purifier for you.

With so many different brands and types of air purifiers, it may seem overwhelming at first. How to choose the air purifier that best suits your needs? But please don’t worry, because we are here to help, share everything you need to know so that we can provide the best air purifier.

Next, you will find that this free guide is divided into five parts:

1. What do you want China’s air purifier to do?

2. How to choose the appropriate technology and filter type

3. Determine how strong the unit you need is

4. Understanding Clean Air Transportation Rate (CADR) Rating

5. Ownership and maintenance costs

When you read each of the following sections, we recommend that you write down on a piece of paper various functions that are important to you. By doing so, you will know exactly what kind of air purifier you need when you finish reading and be able to choose the best one according to your needs.


Let’s get started!


What do you want the air purifier to do?

It’s very important that you start the process of choosing air purifiers. You can ask yourself this question, “What do you want air purifiers to do?” There are so many different types of air purifiers on the market today. Answering this question will help narrow down the scope. You have a lot of choices to make decisions easier.

As you will learn in the next section, household air purifiers have different types of filters. Each type of filter is designed to purify the air of certain toxins and pollutants.


So, what do you really want the purifier to do? Do you want it to help reduce allergies caused by microscopic particles? Do you have a pet dander or hair? Do you want to get rid of your smoke room? Do you want to eliminate bacteria in the air and viruses that are harmful to floating in your home? Do you want to eliminate odors and odors in your home? Do you want to improve the overall health of yourself and/or your family?

How to Choose the Appropriate Technology and Filter Type

Now that you know what the air purifier needs to do, the next step is to determine which filtering technology can achieve the desired results.

As we mentioned earlier, each type of purification system can better filter some pollutants in the air rather than other pollutants.

Now, instead of boring you, we will provide you with all the technical questions about how the underlying technology applies to each filtering system, and we will make it easier for you to understand this step. We will skip the technology and share with you the pros and cons of each of the really important types.

Real HEPA filters

This is an efficient physical type of filter, and you’re probably used to clean air.

When considering the use of HEPA air purifiers, do not confuse the term “true HEPA” with “HEPA type”. They are completely different. The true HEPA filter air purifier has been certified to remove 99.7% of particles as small as 0.3 microns. HEPA filters can remove particles as small as 2-3 microns. For comparison, a human hair is 2 microns in size.

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