What harm does the inhalation of too much ozone have on the human body?

What harm does the inhalation of too much ozone have on the human body?

air purifier

Ozone is a strong oxidant with a fishy smell. It has a specific gravity of 1.66 times that of air and is often concentrated in the lower space of the office. Ozone is a silent killer! Ozone strongly stimulates the respiratory tract, causing sore throat, chest tightness and cough, bronchitis and emphysema; ozone can cause nerve poisoning, dizziness, headache, decreased vision, memory loss; ozone will cause vitamin E in human skin. To the destructive effect, causing human skin to wrinkle and appear dark spots; ozone will also destroy the body’s immune function, induce lymphocyte chromosomal lesions, accelerate aging, causing pregnant women to have deformed children, and the organic waste gas produced by toner fever is one A strong carcinogen that causes a variety of cancers and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, the harm caused by ozone and organic waste gas must be highly valued.

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