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Tại sao bạn muốn thúc đẩy việc sử dụng máy lọc không khí ngày hôm nay?

Tại sao bạn muốn thúc đẩy việc sử dụng máy lọc không khí ngày hôm nay?

máy tạo ozone di động, máy tạo ozone, máy tạo ozone nước nhỏ

Điều này là do trong cuộc sống hàng ngày, oxy là cần thiết cho sự sống còn. Ngoài việc duy trì sức khỏe tốt, không khí trong lành đóng vai trò quyết định đối với sự trong lành của tâm trí và sự hồn nhiên của làn da. Tuy nhiên, với ô nhiễm công nghiệp và môi trường sinh thái xấu đi, chất lượng không khí đã giảm đi rất nhiều, và thậm chí một số khu vực đã bị ảnh hưởng bởi tầm nhìn lớn và PM2.5. Theo ước tính của Tổ chức Y tế Thế giới, hàng năm trên thế giới có khoảng 2 triệu người chết sớm vì ô nhiễm không khí, và nồng độ PM2,5 trong nhà do trang trí quá mức và formaldehyd đồ nội thất chiếm khoảng 80% nồng độ ngoài trời. Trước tình hình nghiệt ngã như vậy, chúng ta nên ứng phó thế nào?

Do đó, việc cải thiện môi trường không khí trong nhà hiện đang là vấn đề đầu tiên được giải quyết. Khi ngày càng có nhiều người cảm thấy mối đe dọa về sức khỏe của PM2.5, máy lọc không khí đã xâm nhập vào hàng ngàn hộ gia đình và máy lọc không khí đã trở thành một thiết bị cuộc sống thiết yếu, và chúng dần dần được quảng bá.

Nếu bạn quan tâm đến điều này, xin vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi để biết thêm sản phẩm và giá ưu đãi
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Global air pollution kills 7 million people

Global air pollution kills 7 million people

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If air pollution is not improved, you may only wear a gas mask in the future to be outdoors.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 7 million people died from air pollution in 2012. This finding suggests a link between air pollution and heart disease, respiratory disease, and cancer. The World Health Organization claims that one in eight global deaths is associated with air pollution, making it the world’s largest single health environment risk.

The study found that nearly 6 million deaths occurred in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific. The World Health Organization claims that about 3.3 million people have died from indoor air pollution and 2.6 million have died from outdoor air pollution. These deaths have occurred mainly in low- and middle-income countries in these areas.

Dr. Maria Neira, head of the World Health Organization’s Department of Public Health, Health and Social and Environmental Determinants, said: ‘The risk of air pollution is now much higher than our previous imagination and understanding, especially for patients with heart disease and stroke. There are very few risks now. The impact on global health exceeds air pollution. This requires us to coordinate and cooperate to clean the air we breathe.’

The World Health Organization claims that reducing air pollution can save millions of lives. Dr. Flavia Bustreo, Assistant Director of the Family, Women and Child Health Department of the World Health Organization, said: ‘Cleaning our breathing air can stop non-communicable diseases and reduce the risk of women and vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly. Poor women and Children pay a heavy price for indoor air pollution because they spend more time at home, inhaling stoves and smog from coal burning.’ The World Health Organization survey found that most air pollution deaths are related to cardiovascular disease. related.

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Air pollution leads to childhood deficiency hyperactivity disorder (ADHS)

Air pollution leads to childhood deficiency hyperactivity disorder (ADHS)

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According to a Science Daily report, according to a recent study by the Columbia Children’s Environmental Health Center at Columbia University’s School of Public Health and Postage, parents exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), one of the components of air pollution, can cause children to At the age of 9, there is an increased probability of behavioral problems associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHS).

Mothers exposed to high levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during pregnancy show five times higher than average

Researchers tracked 233 non-smoking pregnant women and their children in New York City, USA, for a period of time from maternal pregnancy to child growth to childhood. The results showed that children exposed to high levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during pregnancy showed a higher than average number and extent of typical ADHD symptoms compared with children who did not receive high levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during pregnancy. The probability is five times higher. This study was the first to explore the association between parental exposure to PAH and ADHD in school-age children.

“This study suggests that exposure to higher levels of PAH in New York City may play a role in children with ADHD.” Research chief, Frederica Perrela, Director of the Columbia Children’s Environmental Health Center (Frederica) Perera) said this. “These findings are worrying because attention issues can affect children’s school performance, social relationships, and workplace performance.”

The Centers for Disease Control predicts that approximately 10% of American children between the ages of 4 and 17 have one of the following three types of ADHD: attention deficit ADHD, which means that children are difficult to concentrate, distracting and confused; Hyperactivity and impulsive ADHD; or both. As for what is causing ADHD, it is still unclear. At present, scientists only know or suspect that genes and environmental factors may have a certain impact.

PAH is a toxic air pollutant that has many sources, such as transportation, residential boilers, and power plants that use fossil fuels. The researchers measured the mother’s PAH exposure using the PAH-DNA adduct in the mother’s blood during the delivery of the mother. The level of PAH exposure in children is measured by the PAH metabolite in the urine of children at the age of three or five. The ADHD behavioral problem is assessed using the Connor Parent Rating Scale.

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Research shows that air pollution may push up social crime rates

Research shows that air pollution may push up social crime rates

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According to the British ‘Independent’ report, although the pollution problem makes people very dissatisfied with it, its biggest impact is far more than this. Recently, scientists believe that areas with serious pollution are also areas with high crime rates. There is a certain relationship between them. So they studied it. Evan Herhnstadt, a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard University’s Environmental Center, and Erich Muehlegger, an assistant professor at the University of California’s Davis Center, conducted research in Chicago, USA.

Chicago is one of the most polluted cities in the United States, and car exhaust emissions are the primary pollutant. Their research revolves around several important interstate highways in Chicago. First, they obtained more than 2 million criminal records from the Chicago Police Department from 2001 to 2012. These data include the date and place of the crime. Then, they collected meteorological data during this period, including wind direction, wind power, etc., through the change of wind direction to determine which communities in the vicinity suffered the greatest pollution.

Through a comparative analysis of these data, the researchers found that for a community, when it is at the upper vent (meaning lower pollution from the road), it is at the lower estuary of the interstate highway (meaning It suffered from more serious pollution) and the crime rate increased by 2.2%. However, the author points out that this association only applies to violent crimes, such as suicides, shootings, assaults, etc. Pollution has no effect on changes in property crime rates.

They also studied these areas when they were uncontaminated, making scientists the only factor in increasing local crime rates, unlike other traditional factors that affect crime, such as poverty.

They also believe that violent crime is driven by nitrogen oxides rather than carbon monoxide, and is most affected during warm spring and summer. Although the researchers are currently unable to explain exactly why this is, Herrnstadt told the Washington Post that ‘we believe that when you come into contact with heavily polluted air, it will irritate you or otherwise affect your ability to restrain impulses. It causes your cognition to be damaged.’

In addition, serious air pollution can also cause difficulties in the resolution of education, bronchial problems and brain damage.

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World Health Organization: Air pollution, global assessment exposure and disease burden report

World Health Organization: Air pollution, global assessment exposure and disease burden report

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Geneva – The World Health Organization (WHO) publishes the latest Ambient air pollution (A global assessment of exposure and burden of disease). According to the WHO’s new air quality model, 92% of the world’s population lives in areas where air quality levels exceed WHO limits. The information is presented through an interactive map that highlights areas within the country that exceed WHO limits. ‘The new WHO model shows countries where there is a risk of air pollution, and a baseline is provided to help monitor progress in controlling pollution,’ said Dr. Flavia Bustreo, Assistant Director-General of WHO.

This model also reflects the most detailed outdoor (or environmental) air pollution-related health data reported by WHO in the countries. Developed in collaboration with the University of Bath, the model is based on satellite measurements, atmospheric transport models and ground station monitors covering more than 3,000 urban and rural locations.

The cost of air pollution to human health

  • About 3 million deaths each year are associated with exposure to outdoor air pollution. Indoor air pollution can also be fatal. In 2012, an estimated 6.5 million deaths (11.6% of the world’s total deaths) were related to indoor and outdoor air pollution.
  • Nearly 90% of air pollution-related deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries, and nearly two-thirds are in the WHO South-East Asia Region and the Western Pacific Region.
  • 94% are caused by non-communicable diseases, especially cardiovascular disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer. Air pollution also increases the risk of serious acute respiratory infections.
  • ‘Air pollution continues to pose a health penalty for the most vulnerable people (women, children and the elderly),’ Dr. Bustreo added. ‘People want to be healthy, they must breathe fresh air from birth until the last moment of life.’
  • The main sources of air pollution include inefficient transportation, domestic fuel and waste incineration, coal-fired power plants and industrial activities. However, not all air pollution comes from human activities. For example, air quality can also be affected by sandstorms, especially in areas close to the desert.

Important fact

  • Air pollution is a major environmental risk affecting health. By reducing air pollution levels, countries can reduce the burden of disease caused by stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, and chronic and acute respiratory diseases, including asthma.
  • The lower the level of air pollution, the better the cardiovascular and respiratory health of the population, both long-term and short-term.
  • The WHO Air Quality Guidelines assess the health impacts of air pollution and pollution thresholds that are harmful to health.
  • In 2014, 92% of the world’s population lived in places that did not meet WHO’s air quality guidelines.
  • In 2012, environmental (outdoor) air pollution in urban and rural areas is estimated to cause 3 million premature deaths worldwide.
  • About 88% of these premature deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries, with the largest burden in the WHO West Pacific and South-East Asia regions.
  • Implement policies and invest in support for cleaner vehicles, cleaner energy-efficient homes, cleaner power generation, cleaner industries, and better urban waste management to reduce the main sources of outdoor air pollution in cities.
  • Reducing outdoor emissions from domestic coal and biomass energy systems, agricultural waste incineration, forest fires and certain agroforestry activities (such as charcoal production) can reduce major air pollution sources in rural and suburban areas of developing regions.
  • Reducing outdoor air pollution also reduces carbon dioxide and emissions of short-lived climate pollutants such as black carbon particles and methane, thereby helping to mitigate climate change in the near and long term.
  • In addition to outdoor air pollution, indoor smoke is also a serious health risk factor for approximately 3 billion people who use biomass fuel and coal for cooking.

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Air pollution causes 467,000 deaths per year in Europe

Air pollution causes 467,000 deaths per year in Europe

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The European Environment Agency recently announced that the European Air Quality Report warned that air pollution caused 467,000 deaths per year in Europe. Urban residents face the most serious threat of air pollution, and about 85% of people are exposed to the harmful environment of PM2.5 particles identified by the World Health Organization. Although these fine particles are invisible and undetectable, they do have devastating effects on the human body, including causing or aggravating heart disease, asthma, and lung cancer.

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a toxic gas released by cars and central heating boilers, causes 71,000 people to die prematurely every year in the EU. Ground-level ozone (O3) has also become a killer, with an estimated annual death of 17,000 people in the EU.

Unlike the protective ozone layer in the atmosphere, ground-level ozone is harmful. It is formed by chemical reaction of nitrogen dioxide with other pollutants or heating in the sun.

In Europe, the most polluting countries with PM2.5 particles are Bulgaria, Poland and the Czech Republic. Countries such as Poland rely mainly on coal for power generation, for which air quality ranks bottom in the European Environment Agency’s air quality report. Among the top five cities with the most polluted PM2.5 particles in Europe, Bulgaria accounted for four. The cost of coal power generation and the resulting health crisis cause up to $4.8 billion in economic losses per year for Bulgaria.

In a metropolis like London, Britain, even if it is healthy, air pollution can cause damage to its lungs. Air pollution causes an overall economic loss of more than 20 billion pounds per year in the UK, accounting for 16% of the UK’s NHS annual budget of $116 billion.

From a technical point of view, European air quality has actually improved between 2000 and 2014. In areas under the supervision of the European Environment Agency, PM10 levels have fallen by 75%. Between 2006 and 2014, PM2.5 particulate pollution levels are also declining.

But Hans Bruyninckx, executive director of the European Environment Agency, believes that air pollution that causes unacceptable damage to human health and the environment is still widespread.

According to statistics from the Royal College of Pediatrics and Children’s Health, outdoor air pollution has caused about 40,000 premature deaths each year in the UK.

What is PM2.5 granules? What harm?

PM2.5 particles refer to particulate contaminants having a diameter less than or equal to 2.5 microns in air. PM10 particles refer to particulate contaminants with a diameter of about 10 microns. Some of these particles are found in nature, such as sandstorms or forest fires, while others come from human industrial processes.

They are often composed of very small fragments that can reach human lungs directly, with minimal particles even entering the blood vessels. These particles accumulate in the lungs and can cause respiratory diseases and lung damage.

PM particles may contain smoke, dust, dust, metals, nitrates, sulfates, moisture, and rubber from tires. They can enter the human lung directly, causing irritation or inflammation, and some can even enter the blood vessels. Heart disease and lung disease are usually associated with inhaling polluted air, but your liver, spleen, central nervous system, brain, and even the reproductive system can also be harmed.

PM2.5 particles and PM10 particles also increase the susceptibility of viral and bacterial pathogens, and susceptible people are susceptible to pneumonia. Children are more susceptible to diseases caused by air pollution. A study that lasted for six years showed that children living in highly polluted areas of the city had lung function 10% lower than normal, and the damage was permanent.

Is Europe more serious than anywhere else?

it’s not true. According to the latest data released by the World Health Organization in September, 9/10 people on the planet are now breathing polluted air. Europeans are less affected by indoor air pollution, but indoor air pollution has become a “heavyweight killer” in many parts of Africa and South Asia.

About 3 billion people on Earth still use solid fuels such as wood or animal manure for cooking and heating. This “home air pollution” causes 4.3 million people to die prematurely each year due to various diseases, most of them die of stroke, Heart disease and lung loss.

According to the country, people in Turkmenistan have the highest proportion of people who die from outdoor air pollution-related diseases. Other countries that have entered the top five are Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Egypt.

The World Health Organization said: “The air quality in rich countries is improving significantly, while the air quality in poor countries is deteriorating. This has become an overall trend.”

In general, European air quality lags behind North America, but this is largely due to its greater reliance on diesel fuel and agriculture, which can produce large amounts of ammonia and methane.

China is the country with the sixth highest rate of air pollution-related diseases. Although relatively rich, urban smog and industrial pollution are still very serious. In recent months, India has become the country with the most serious smoke pollution.

India was previously Diwali, a large number of fireworks and firecrackers, causing the city’s PM2.5 particle level to rise to more than 90 times the safety standards recognized by the World Health Organization. Toxic air has become an important cause of early death in India, with 620,000 people dying every year from air pollution.

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The number of premature deaths due to air pollution is 7 million per year

The number of premature deaths due to air pollution is 7 million per year

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According to Futurism, air pollution is like a ‘stealth killer.’ The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that premature deaths of 7 million people each year are related to air pollution. In the United States alone, between 7,500 and 52,000 people die each year due to exposure to tiny particulates emitted by power plants.

In fact, the latest release of the 2019 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) shows that air pollution has become the biggest environmental threat to public health.

The report was written by researchers at Yale University and Columbia University in collaboration with the World Economic Forum. It ranks 180 countries and territories using 24 performance indicators in 10 different categories, all of which are related to environmental health and ecosystem vitality. At the top of the list is Switzerland, followed by France, Denmark, Malta and Sweden. At the bottom are India, Bangladesh, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Nepal. The United States ranks 27th, and it scores high on sanitation and air quality, but it is very bad in deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions.

EPI shows that air pollution is the number one threat to public health. The purpose of this report is not to scare the public, but to influence the relevant policies. Daniel C. Esty, director of Yale University’s Center for Environmental Law and Policy and Professor of Yale University’s Hillhouse, said: ‘As the international community begins to pursue new sustainable development goals, policymakers need to know: in energy and the environment. Who is in the lead and who is behind.’

Esti added: ‘The EPI in 2019 confirmed that sustainable development requires economic development, generating sufficient resources to invest in environmental infrastructure, carefully managing the industrialization and urbanization processes that lead to pollution, and industrialization and urbanization threaten public health and ecology. system.’

The 2019 EPI outlines the positions of countries in terms of pollution and environmental sustainability. However, it can also reveal trends within and across countries. The lowest-ranking countries lack support for a range of sustainable development issues, and the level of air pollution is the most terrible.

These large-scale studies and reports contain a lot of things. In addition to influencing policies and assessing sustainability efforts, they also reveal efforts to address pollution. For example, a recent study showed an improvement in air pollution in the United States between 1990 and 2012. The decline in pollution is very large and it is estimated that some 180,000 deaths have been prevented.

Air pollution is directly related to early brain development, which can have serious and terrible health effects on humans. As the world’s population continues to grow, develop and build, the situation may only get worse if more intense measures are not taken. Perhaps these reports will provide the government with better tools to better protect citizens from threats.

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2019 Global Air Condition Report

2019 Global Air Condition Report

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Surveys from around the world have proven that air pollution can affect human health, such as asthma or other respiratory diseases, affecting timely medical treatment, early death from heart and lung disease. The “2019 Global Air Condition” provides an update on global air pollution and analyzes the broader impact that air pollution can have on human health.

Like last year, the report provides an update on global outdoor air pollution. The latest GBD (Global Burden of Disease) analysis continues to identify air pollution as one of the most important risk factors for death and disability. Environmental particulate matter (PM2.5) is an integral part of air pollution and is listed as the sixth largest risk factor for premature death. Global exposure to PM2.5 resulted in 4.1 million deaths from heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, chronic lung disease and respiratory infections in 2016. Compared with other better known risks, PM2.5 causes more deaths than known risk factors such as alcohol, inactivity or high sodium intake. Ozone is another important component of outdoor air pollution, and its level is on the rise around the world, killing 234,000 people from chronic lung disease.

The GBD records household air pollution caused by millions of people around the world cooking and heating using solid fuels such as coal, wood and manure. Data from 2016 show that exposure to “home air pollution” can also have a major impact on health, ranking 8th among risk factors for premature death and 2.6 million deaths in 2016. In 2016, 245 million people worldwide were exposed to domestic air pollution, equivalent to one-third of the world’s population.

Environmental and domestic air pollution poses a heavy burden on public health, both individually and collectively.

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University of Texas at Austin: Research shows that air pollution can reduce life expectancy by two years

University of Texas at Austin: Research shows that air pollution can reduce life expectancy by two years

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A shocking new study finds that air pollution is reducing life expectancy worldwide. The United Kingdom and the United States have only been reduced by an average of four months, but in other countries, the situation is much more serious. For example, in the two major air pollution areas in India and Egypt, life expectancy has decreased by 1.5 years and 2 years respectively. In May of this year, WHO listed India’s capital New Delhi and the Egyptian capital Cairo as the two most polluted cities in the world.

The University of Texas Austin team responsible for the study said that the focus of previous research was on the number of deaths due to air pollution. This is the first time scientists have investigated the impact of air pollution on overall life expectancy.

The team’s main indicator is PM2.5. PM2.5 is a kind of tiny particles, mainly produced from power plants, exhaust systems, aircraft, forest fires, sandstorms and so on. Because it is too small, PM2.5 particles can be suspended in the air for a long time and are more easily inhaled by the human body. Also because of their small size, they can penetrate deep into the lungs and may even enter the human circulatory system. Studies have shown that exposure to particulate environments increases the risk of heart disease, even severe chronic diseases such as asthma and bronchitis.

According to WHO statistics, there are currently 7 million people killed worldwide due to such pollution, and most of them are distributed in low- and middle-income countries, mainly in Africa and Asia.

Using data from the Global Burden of Disease Study, the researchers examined the severity and consequences of PM2.5 air pollution in 185 countries, and then analyzed the average life expectancy of each country and the impact on global life expectancy. The results showed that the life expectancy of the United Kingdom and the United States was reduced by four months due to air pollution, but the situation in other countries was much more serious. Russia has been reduced for nine months, India for one and a half years, and Egypt has been reduced for nearly two years.

The Egyptian capital Cairo and its surrounding cities are shrouded in thick smog all year round. According to statistics from the Egyptian Ministry of the Environment, the “black cloud” accounts for about 42% of the country’s air pollution. There are many reasons for these pollutions, including automobile exhaust, burning straw, and the low greening rate in Cairo.

The picture above shows the global life expectancy reduction. The picture below shows the increase in life expectancy of the air pollution problem.

In 2017, UNEP issued a report that more than 40,000 Egyptians have died from pollution. But to calculate the number of people who die from pollution on a global scale, it takes a year to count.

‘We have long known that air pollution can kill people.’ Dr Joshua Apte, assistant professor of population health at the University of Texas at Austin, said, ‘The impact of air pollution is huge. What we are doing now is Public health is also taken into account when addressing air pollution problems. If this problem can be solved, the impact on global life expectancy may be greater than the cure for cancer and breast cancer.’

He added that scientists have studied cancer therapy more because it is easier to quantify.

‘Analying the impact of air pollution is very difficult, because you have to look at a large population, and the scale of the research is too large. But it is easy for doctors to diagnose cancer. To say that ‘this person has cancer’ is comparable to saying that this person is sick because of air pollution. ‘It’s much easier.’

Dr. Apt also added that in countries with serious pollution such as China and India, solving air dust and haze will have even greater benefits.

‘In India and China, if there is no air pollution at present, the elderly in their 60s will have greater hopes to live above 85 years old, and 15% to 20% of the opportunities will live longer. The per capita life of countries with serious pollution is even more Low, and improving air pollution will help solve this problem.’

In June, two Harvard scientists published a paper saying that Trump’s changes to environmental policy would cause the United States to die 80,000 more every 10 years.

Public health economist David Cutler and biostatistician Francesca Dominici say the ban on the Clean Power Plan (developed by the Obama administration) It is expected to cause 36,000 deaths, and the abolition of emissions from specific vehicles will result in the death of approximately 14,000 people. They pointed out that changing environmental policies will also cause more than 1 million people to suffer from respiratory diseases in the next 10 years, many of them children.

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Have an air purifier and smog say goodbye

Have an air purifier and smog say goodbye

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With the current serious air pollution, smog has threatened people’s lives and health. I feel uncomfortable in the morning, my nose is uncomfortable, and I have no spirit. Pushing open the window, I wanted to breathe fresh air, and the outside was foggy. At this time, your room may need an air purifier.

The air purifier filters impurities, smoke, viruses and other harmful substances in the air to purify the air.

Since the room is in a relatively confined space, the release of contaminants is slow, especially in smoggy weather, and the air in the room is as bad as the outside. In the newly renovated house, harmful substances such as formaldehyde cannot be quickly discharged. At this time, an air purifier with formaldehyde removal function is necessary, which can purify the room air in a short time. If someone is smoking at home, the air purifier can smoke at a very fast speed, avoiding the harm of secondhand smoke.

The use of air purifiers to purify indoor air has become an internationally recognized effective way to improve indoor air quality.

If there are pregnant women, infants, and elderly people in the family, the body is weak, and an air purifier in the room can bring you and your family a healthy and comfortable life.

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